Breaking News…PS in the Ministry of National Security Resigns from office

Missouri Sherman-Peters, now former permanent secretary in the Ministry of National Security, makes Baton of Honour presentation to RC 3478 David Rolle during the Royal Bahamas Police Force Graduation Ceremony for A Squad on November 26 at the Police Training College. This was her last official function in the government.

Nassau, Bahamas — Tommy Turnquest’s Permanent Secretary for National Security, Missouri Sherman-Peters, according to information coming into BP, has tendered her resignation from the ministry.

Sherman-Peters climbed to the head of the National Security Ministry back in 2008 following the retirement of the former PS, Mark Wilson. She has had a long and successful career in the foreign office, representing the Bahamas at the highest levels on the world stage.

We have not been told the details surrounding the resignation today, however, we are told Mrs. Sherman-Peters had been out of office for over a week now, following today’s confirmation.

Not a word of the resignation has coming from the WUTLESS Minister following today’s developments.

Was Mrs. Sherman-Peters forced to resign? Was she forced to accept an early retirement package? Or is her axing the first phase of a mass downsizing exercise in the public service? Things that make ya go hmmmmmmm!

Bahamas Press wishes Mrs. Sherman-Peters well in her future endeavors.


  1. A picture speaks a thousand words;and from the looks of this picture,Ms.Sherman-Peter have the looks of a “diva” that is quit arrogant;forgive if I’m wrong. But with the miserable failure of the current Minister of National Security,anyone with common sense would run for cover from the FAILED policies of his government.

  2. BP, you’re way off base with this one. This move should have happened a long time ago. She WAS among a group of current Permanent Secretaries who are waaaaayyyyy past their “use by” date. “Experience” is correct; Sherman-Peter’s administrative skills left a lot to be desired and is a major contributor to the poor performance of the Minister. Don’t get me wrong, I’m most certainly not defending him as his was not much better.

  3. Well I can say that after working with Ms. Sherman-Peter, good riddance! She was not a good manager and very overbearing. I think the current group of PS’ are all wutless and the country needs to begin putting capable people in place not just people who been there for a while or support the governing party.

    All we need now is to get rid of the Undersecretary and Minister at National Security, and hopefully our security forces can begin to reclaim our streets.

  4. I don’t know why Tommy hasn’t resigned yet…listening to his comments on the news regarding the crime situation, it is clear that he has no clue to what he is doing…and can someone please tell me why the Minister of National Security is also in charge of ZNS?

    • I mean who sells your most profitable company and in the sale agreement you tell the new owner we ga pay you a management fee; a percent of gross every year? Even a JACKASS who only knows how to eat grass could negotiate a better deal than that! Some people gat no DAMN SHAME! All they doing is delivering a backside RAPE on the Bahamian people!



  5. Y tommy still on da job, he mussy don’t know his permanent secretary abandon failure to keep her sanity. Tommy how many times are you gonna let the murder rate smash thru the ceiling this year? Tommy mussy trying to see the murder count rise to over !00 for the year, so he could be known as the worst minister of national security the Bahamas has ever seen… TOMMY YOUR POLITICAL CAREER IS FINISHED, YOU WILL NEVER BE RESPECTED ONCE YOU DEMIT OFFICE, SO YOU MIGHT AS WELL BOW OUT GRACEFULLY, YOU FAILURE OF THE BAHAMIAN PEOPLE, LIKE ingRUM AND BRENT SAY “BAHAMIAN PROFESSIONALS ARE NOT QUALIFIED” THEY WERE SPEAKING TO PERSONS LIKE TOMMY AND ALL OF THE ingRUM CABINET, a pack of ignoramuses, like brent dem say bout the Bahamian citizenry.

    • But Freethinka what amazes us is this. This is no fly by night civil servant. This woman could have been the heir to the Cabinet Secretary throne! But even though she is a longtime supporter of the FNM government and one of the highest and longest serving members of the public service, I want know what it is that caused her to quit. YA THINK BP ga tell ya? Standby!


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