Businesses Should Make it Clear They are VAT Registered


Dear Sir,

The government of The Bahamas has made it clear that ALL businesses of The Bahamas that net a profit of over $100,00.00 per annum are to register and CLEARLY display their registration document so consumers can see.

The government wants Bahamian consumers to know, upfront, exactly which shops are allowed to add on the 7.5% Value Added Tax to store prices. If consumers doubt that they documents displayed are not authentic they can also check the Valued Added Tax register that can be on the Ministry of Finance’s website and all other Bahamas Government websites.

Protect yourself as a Bahamian consumer. Make sure the business you are purchasing from, 1) is ONLY charging you 7.5% 2) has registration documents openly displayed 3) is really registered with the Ministry of Finance to charge VAT.

Thanks for allowing me space to advise my fellow Bahamians.

Yours etc.

Henry Pinder