Canon Dudley Strachan Park renamed to Centreville Park? What is dis?


Centreville Park from Fr. Dudley Strachan Park.

Nassau – Residents in Centreville have pointed out to us how the government has changed the park that was named in memory of an Anglican Priest without any notice to the public.

BP is learning how the Canon Dudley Strachan Park, named after the faithful former St. Georges Anglican Church rector, the late Dudley Strachan, has had its name changed. The park is located in the valley on Seventh

Terrance and East Ave. just in front of Battery and Tyre store.

Bahamas Press is learning the rewriters of history now in power have changed the name to the Centreville Park. How did this happen? How could the community allow this?

BP wants an investigation into this.

We report yinner decide!