Commodore of the Defence Force to be summoned to the Supreme Court for failing to pay Senior Marine…

RBDF Commodore Raymond King

NASSAU| A senior Marine of the Royal Bahamas Defence Force has decided to take Commodore Raymond King to the Supreme Court after failing to rightly compensate the Senior Marine who has an impeccable record on the Force.

The Force failed to pay the Senior Marine his salary from last year and now are liable for damages. Administrators claimed the failure to pay the decent marine was a result of an internal error, but still haven’t rectified the matter.

King and members of his legal team will be served a writ to appear in the Supreme Court for their wicked, spiteful and deplorable actions against such a committed marine. And because of this, they are now liable for damages.

We know the Senior Marine, who is not in the circle of King, is a big legend of the Force. He has a history of training and transforming operations on the FORCE.

We report yinner decide!