Five Workers Axed At Cable Bahamas for ‘Thiefin’


Nassau, BahamasBahamas Press has been walking around the grounds of Cable Bahamas lately and what we uncovered is indeed shocking.

Sources deep at the company tell us, a major investigation is now underway following the discovery of a Cable pirating racket at the Corporation. From what we know some five persons have been fired following the discovery and that’s just the beginning.

BP has learnt a technician opened his own cable service feeding off the Cable Bahamas’ infrastructure. Sources tell us, the young tech engaged persons within the Cable Company to pass over disgruntled subscribers who had canceled their services with Cable Bahamas.

Investigations led to surveillance on the technician where cable operators caught him red handed. A search at a home in Coral Lakes uncovered the entire setup to the backdoor network.

It is also known that the technician’s wife is alleged to have been involved in the racket, as she as well is an employee of the Cable Company.

No formal charges have been filed against the employees in this latest investigation, however, sources at the Cable Company tell us it is believed as many as 30-persons could be involved in the scam.

What is interesting is this; we are told the technician is all-aware of how Cable Bahamas made illegal use of ZNS’ up-link. We also understand the same technician was instrumentally involved in Cable Bahamas from the inception of the company. No formal charges of stealing by reason of employment nor has the matter been referred to the police. WE WONDER WHY?


  1. The last time I checked Cable Bahamas provides a service for the money we pay for it and well below North American prices fr the same. Please explain to me how they are stealing from us, because I missed it. They employ almost 500 Bahamians, they are 100% Bahamian owned. Their service is excelant. I need some help here filling in the blanks. Why is it okay for your Bahamian citizens too steel from a 100% Bahamian company that is employing almost 500 Bahamians across our great country? What is the lesson you which to teach us again? Oh yes”Tief from Tief make gd smile” Really? Is that what you are teaching your children? Wake up fellow Bahamian Citizens – Please!

  2. The last time I checked Cable Bahamas provides a service for the money we pay for it and well below North American prices fr the same. Please explain to me how they are stealing from us, because I missed it. They employ almost 500 Bahamians, they are 100% Bahamian owned. Their service is excelant. I need some help here filling in the blanks. Why is it okay for your Bahamian citizens too steel from a 100% Bahamian company that is employing almost 500 Bahamians across our great country? What is the lesson you which to teach us again? Oh yes”Tief from Tief make gd smile” Really? Is that what you are teaching your children? Wake up fellow Bahamian Citizens – Please!

  3. Completely agree with the other commentors. They’ve become rich by stealing, now others steal from them. But guess what they’ll get away with it because they’re white, foreign, and already rich, but those Bahamians likely will not because they’re local, black, and poor.

  4. Cable Bahamas stealing direct tv signals and stealing money from the citizens of The Bahamas, so they get a taste of their own medicine.

    • Shame on the tech if its the truth, but what about the company who is stealing signal and making the millions, why haven’t the government step in, Is it that that they all are eating out of the same plate. SHAME SHAME SHAME

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