FNM Not Showing Commitment to our National Business…’ABANDON-ERS 2.0′


Why do FNMs want to slaughter their new Senator Rolle?

Desmond Bannister, Zhivargo Laing, Kwasi Thompson and Heather Hunt Desmond Bannister, Zhivargo Laing, Kwasi Thompson and Heather Hunt.

FNMs keep ABANDONING the people!?

New FNM Senator Lanisha Rolle catching hell as FNM wants to behead her out the Senate before she can take her seat...

Nassau, Bahamas — One must agree that the Free National Movement is fast becoming its own worst enemy, and, if the recent tumult over the appointment of Mrs. Lanisha Rolle says anything, it says loudly that: 1. the FNMs must have something against WOMEN and 2. that the commitment to the national business of the nation appears to be lost.

Since the resignation of Zhivargo Laing from the Senate following the defeat of Greg Gomez in North Abaco, the Free National Movement has been experiencing a serious bloodbath internally. Laing vanished from the Senate after questions of his pay hike above that of other Ministers of State surfaced. He withdrew from the Senate saying it was “deeply personal”.

Many politicos believe he has issues with Dr. Hubert Minnis and thus he sent in his letter of resignation. And, if that was not enough, so did Desmond Bannister, the former Minister of Education who promised a bright future for the Opposition Party. While it is unknown as to why Bannister really stepped down, here again was an example that no one in the former regime having the balls to fight for the record of the opposition while it served as government.

Then came John Bostwick, caught like a ram in the thicket, hauled before the courts and charged with possession of bullets. Someone should have told the former FNM Bains and Grants Town candidate that when you become a political figure all your craziness and nefarious dealings must be put aside and cannot be dragged into honorable places. This didn’t end well and he, too, was short-lived.

Then, like a Dame presenting letters to the King, Heather Hunt submitted her papers of resignation from the Senate after what she described as a meeting with the Leader of the Opposition. No one still really understands what happened during that meeting, Dr. Minnis suggested she had served her full two years, but so has Kwesi Thompson. He is still in the Senate.

Now to be fair, these sudden and abrupt incidents of termination of service to the people are not exclusive to the FNM. The PLP has had two similar incidents: one with Ryan Pinder and the other Cheryl Bazard – both being enticed with ‘big cheese’ in the private sector.

What concerns us with the FNM though is the fact that their resignations appear to be more of an internal leadership issue characterized by disapproval, displeasure, dissatisfaction and a downright disloyal behaviour towards the Bahamas and the Bahamians people. Which paints a very telling picture for the future of the organization…If persons [young people, by the way] within the opposition party are finding it hard and difficult to do the People’s Business while in opposition, how do you think they will ever achieve the same if elected to Government and have to also protect the Sovereignty of the Commonwealth of the Bahamas!

This is serious! Point here is simple – If you cannot get it right while in opposition – how in the hell yinner ga make it if ever in government.

The bloodbath continues…

We report yinner decide!


Former FNM John Bostwick arraigned using his coat to hide his cuffs. After he was caught with contrabands at an airport in Freeport - his case might now get thrown out! WAS HE BUYING OR SUPPLYING? Photo by Nassau Guardian Torrell Glinton.