FNM says Democracy is under seige and it will not be silienced!


Statement from the FNM over Cash/BOB investigation…

Police raid the home of Daron and Annette Cash after investigation opened involving Bank of the Bahamas...

The Free National Movement is greatly concerned that the full force of the State has apparently been brought to bear against the National Chairman of the FNM, Mr Darron Cash; who has apparently been subjected to a “fishing expedition” of his personal computers and cellular phone.

The evolving scandals surrounding the Bank of the Bahamas, a wholly Bahamian- owned financial institution, have been publicized and revealed by many sources including the print news papers, having nothing to do with our National Chairman!

The lapses and failures of the present government to investigate and correct the apparent abuses and negligence of the Bank of the Bahamas is shameful and has been properly criticized and highlighted by our National Chairman but also by others who made disclosures to Newspapers. Is our Chairman being targeted because he has been a passionate critic of the Government’s inept handling of the Bank of the Bahamas and because his wife happens to work at the institution?

It is the vie of the FNM that the PLP Government has abused it’s power to cause the police to launch a “Political Witch-hunt” upon one of our lead spokespersons; and to launch a fishing expedition and gross invasion of his privacy.

The matter has been taken to the Supreme Court and we await the court’s ruling.

The FNM will not stand for the apparent political assault on it’s National Chairman, which is purely a smoke screen and deflection away from the very real, pressing and serious issues; and chronic problems facing our Nation.

The FNM asks: “Who is Next?”

Democracy is under siege!!!

We will NOT be silenced!!