Hon. Fred Mitchell

Fred Mitchell, MP

Nassau, Bahamas Fox Hill Member of Parliament Fred Mitchell’s name was entered into nomination for Leader of the PLP as a Fox Hill ‘favourite son’ but he declined. Mr. Mitchell expects that there may be further opportunities for leadership.

In remarks this afternoon at the closed nomination session of the Party’s Convention currently being held at the Wyndham Crystal Palace Hotel, Mr. Mitchell said:

“I believe that I have successfully championed the democratic rights of all PLPs who choose to run for any office in our Party. I will continue to work throughout this Convention and beyond for an effective, fair and transparent electoral process, conducted with courtesy and respect.

“I want to win the Leadership of the PLP. I want to win the Leadership of the country, and this continues to be the fact, but my supporters and I have determined that such a move at this time will not now serve the long-term interests of the Party.

“By openly declaring my interest in the leadership of the Party and by demonstrating the support for my Agenda For Change, I am pleased with the galvanising effect that has become evident to everyone in the electoral process and the conduct of the Party’s leadership.

“My work with the Mission Fund to support candidates for the general election will continue and I will continue with my work on the agenda for change, both of which are critical for the future success of the PLP.

“I remind those in the FNM who would make mischief to mind their own business and council them, instead, to prepare to deal with a re-energised, rededicated and powerfully invigorated PLP.

“I again thank my colleagues in the Parliamentary Caucus for our shared hard work and dedication and pledge my continued support.

“I remind young Bahamians that the campaign for change was launched for to demonstrate that there is space in the PLP for young people as the Party works to engage the next generation of PLPs.

“Finally, the Party deserves at this Convention an open, fair, transparent and uncluttered process as we organise ourselves to respond to the lessons of 2007. I will continue to be an integral part of that process, now and in the Party’s coming conventions leading to the next General Election.



  1. Russell Johnson :
    Fred is one smart ass.He got lots of publicity and caused poor BJ to jump in shark infested waters.Imagine all that talk and he did not nominate.Many in the PLP were collectively wanting Christie to haul ass but the persons in the convention thought otherwise.Poor BJ is sure to learn now that when push comes to shove your pretence friends duck you.Imagine this,BJ could not find anyone who has any clout in the PLP to nominate him.After this cutass BJ will run under the floor and recognise that even though Sir Lynden dead his spirit lives on in the PLP.What now for BJ?He has no liufe in the PLP now as the delegates are so pissed with him he will get slaughtered.He should have declined like chicken Fred Mitchell.lolo lolo.

    Russell, i tell yall FM set up BJ. FM is a big flam and now people see him for what he is.

    Bahamas Press got played by FM as well and they now realize it.

  2. Fred is one smart ass.He got lots of publicity and caused poor BJ to jump in shark infested waters.Imagine all that talk and he did not nominate.Many in the PLP were collectively wanting Christie to haul ass but the persons in the convention thought otherwise.Poor BJ is sure to learn now that when push comes to shove your pretence friends duck you.Imagine this,BJ could not find anyone who has any clout in the PLP to nominate him.After this cutass BJ will run under the floor and recognise that even though Sir Lynden dead his spirit lives on in the PLP.What now for BJ?He has no liufe in the PLP now as the delegates are so pissed with him he will get slaughtered.He should have declined like chicken Fred Mitchell.lolo lolo.

  3. @Altec

    That’s the truth. The average Bahamian has to work three times as hard if they want to get anyway. I don’t condone what Taurino did, but I could see why he might of thought this would be the best way for him to get a piece of the pie.

  4. @Kim Sands
    Thats why Kim, like you i cant be FNM. The PLP may have their crooks, but i will take the crook i know any day over the crook i dont know.

    When you look at the major businesses in this country the same 3-5 family names always shows up either owning or having major shares in the banking, shipping, construction and insurance sector. They are all FNM. Thats not a coincidence, its been like that for almost 70 years.

  5. @Altec
    Yeah the FNM was not going to implement that national health insurance plan, because that was going to affect too much of their friends. You have so much people in this country that dies, because they can’t afford medical insurance and rates going up every minute. I don’t let them at any occupational rating on for a mechanic, carpenter, police or anything hazardous. Lord help you.

  6. When will we realize whats going on. the FNM along with their media partners will try to make all the issues about personality because they dont want the public to think along the lines of policy.

    The FNM policies only benefit one set of people and when these same people succeed, their success doenst trickle down to you and me.

  7. Kim Sands :
    I can’t support no FNM, first of all they don’t care about the children and most of the things they doing are for people who already have.

    I told a fella today that HAI is a puppet. there are certain decisions he cant make, he has to consult with “monied people” first. And make no mistake, Brent represent those people and their interests. They keep the FNM well funded, the FNM in turn protects their interests.

    Case in point, when PC tried to implement national health insurance, where did all those doctors came from who was opposing it? who was funding them? These fellas was all over the radios talking foolishness.

    The same doctors who have their private practices, also have government contracts and works at PMH. So why were they opposing national health insurance? who was funding them? who were their partners?

    Think about it!

    The big insurance companies on top of the hill. It was the insurance companies who was going to loose big if national health insurance came into effect.

    If national health insurance comes into effect, the cost of premiums decrease significantly and the insurance companies will have to cover people they normally wouldnt. it was a double whammy for them. the FNM goes into power and puff, national health insurance is never heard from again.

  8. @Kim Sands

    Yeah that’s what it would mean and that’s only if the jury collectively concludes that they cannot reach a verdict but it is open for re-trial in that instance.

    I don’t know about the Tribune though. They live to print retractions on page 6

  9. Kim Sands :Girl Lizard, I can’t wait to hear the verdict. If they walk or not either way this will be interesting.


  10. @naomi

    Awful is correct.

    You saw how he tried to out run the stalwart this afternoon to second that nomination for Trustee?

    Glenys brought it to the floor and of course he wants to second.

    They are so damn obvious. And then they wonder why people are all about town sip sipping.

    I felt shame for him when the session chair told him too little too late. That stalwart was clear and said loudly I was here first and I’m not moving -lol. It wasa riot.

  11. Kim Sands :
    Yeah campaigning, planning and organizing event and things to raise funds, you know what I mean. You have to be deeply involved from what I understand.

    No comment!

    i am no die hard PLP. i try hard to be fair and call it as i see it, but make no mistake, i am no die hard.

    PC was voted out of office not because he couldnt govern, but because he allowed the FNM to create and perpetuate the perception that he was indecisive and slow. Two and a half years into FNM reign and the people are crying all over because they now see that there is a difference.

    When will we learn that its not about personalities but policies? The FNM policies are bad for the majority. People are waking up to that fact more and more.

  12. Rad :
    @Kim Sands
    I’m telling you PC has fanfare every where he goes in Whyndham!!! No joke. I hope delegates have tonsils and lungs and voices after convention. I can imagine how bad Laura is gonna carry on during his speech!!!!
    Saw her hairstyle? Perry in front – Brave in Back – lol
    People from every camp knows what’s going to happen tomorrow. You saw the looks of concession in each race as those three were nominated.
    Moss team never had a snowball’s chance in hell but reality slapped them hard this afternoon.
    The Deputy Race was a bit harder to swallow and few from each team are still in denial but the signs are clear.
    Chairman was a no brainer when BBB was nominated. Martin texted the U-haul driver to take her stuff out east.


  13. obie had all of his supporters speaking at the convention. He is awful!! Picewell, Glenys and Melissa Sears

  14. Kim Sands :I believe Picewell meant giving out false news to influence the jury decision.


  15. @Kim Sands

    I’m telling you PC has fanfare every where he goes in Whyndham!!! No joke. I hope delegates have tonsils and lungs and voices after convention. I can imagine how bad Laura is gonna carry on during his speech!!!!

    Saw her hairstyle? Perry in front – Brave in Back – lol

    People from every camp knows what’s going to happen tomorrow. You saw the looks of concession in each race as those three were nominated.

    Moss team never had a snowball’s chance in hell but reality slapped them hard this afternoon.

    The Deputy Race was a bit harder to swallow and few from each team are still in denial but the signs are clear.

    Chairman was a no brainer when BBB was nominated. Martin texted the U-haul driver to take her stuff from Gambier House to her residence out east.

  16. @LIZARD
    I agree. Paul Moss is new, I feel like I went to sleep and wake up and he came out of no where and he was running for leadership. I dont like the way BJ went about things.

  17. Altec :JCN and Cable 12 did well tonight. I really like Wendell Jones and Mr Eneas as interviewers. They arent bias at all, very fair and aint afraid to ask to hard questions.
    Judy was fishing all night trying to get her guest to say something about PC or BJ.


  18. Kim Sands :@LIZARD You can’t vote either aye? Altec and Rad you all could vote?

    Looking at it realisticly, out of all that has choosen to run for leader, Mr. christie is the better one of the lot, mama used to say “YA KNOW WHAT YA HAVE BUT YA DON’T KNOW WHAT YOU GA GET”…..

  19. JCN and Cable 12 did well tonight. I really like Wendell Jones and Mr Eneas as interviewers. They arent bias at all, very fair and aint afraid to ask to hard questions.

    Judy was fishing all night trying to get her guest to say something about PC or BJ.

  20. @Kim Sands

    I was on convention floor at 3:05pm today for nominations which is why I am standing by my predictions of last week.

    The delegates exploded in an uproar when PC was being nominated

    Same with Brave

    Same with Big Bad Brad.

    PC’s nomination above all though got people to their feet, standing in chairs screaming and clapping their hands red. No exaggeration. I thought I was at a rock concert.

    So to answer your question, yes I am a voting delegate in this convention.

  21. @Rad
    I am not going to lie, I really wanted change and that meant for Perry to be removed, I feel like too much things was going on with the FNM government and he did nothing. Now, I feel it is better for him too stay, because I am not impress with any of the people who came out to oppose him. If Allyson did run for leader, I would have been happy.

  22. Altec :The only person in the PLP who is more popular or just as popular as PC in the party is the woman talking right now. When she threw her support behind Brave, the deputy race was over right there.

    And she did not bad mouth the leader she was very respectful and true woman of integraty

  23. The only person in the PLP who is more popular or just as popular as PC in the party is the woman talking right now. When she threw her support behind Brave, the deputy race was over right there.

  24. @Kim Sands

    He is very well respected. This isn’t the climate for change at that level. Delegates will not move PC. Young, old, whatever, they’re all supporting him. Media still don’t understand the PLP party’s culture because if they did they would never write the things they did.

    PC wasn’t scared or shaking in his boots. He didn’t want all this drama around this convention. We have lots of work to do. Why are opponents wasting time, money and resources when he still carrying the swing. He knows he’ll stay leader and will influence who will be his Deputy and Party Chairman.

  25. LIZARD :
    @Kim Sands
    He does and he was testing the waters, listen when you go to the beach what you do, ya put ya toe in first to test the water right? then if condidtions are right you plunge in head first, conditions ain’t right for him yet Kim, so watch for the plunge….

    Lizard, BP jump on a horse that was playing him. BP and those who were backing FM really thought he was going through with it.

  26. @Kim Sands
    He does and he was testing the waters, listen when you go to the beach what you do, ya put ya toe in first to test the water right? then if condidtions are right you plunge in head first, conditions ain’t right for him yet Kim, so watch for the plunge….

  27. Kim Sands :
    I don’t understand it, because I thought FM would have stand a good chance. The only thing, I don’t like about him is that he opposes capital punishment. I hate the idea of killing people too, but these murders are getting too bold.

    Kim, many PLP’s just dont trust FM. he was flirting with the FNM big time before he joined the PLP. Jerome Fitzgerald did the same thing. They both are looking out for them!

  28. @Altec
    I don’t understand it, because I thought FM would have stand a good chance. The only thing, I don’t like about him is that he opposes capital punishment. I hate the idea of killing people too, but these murders are getting too bold.

  29. Rad :
    Lizard take it a step further. It was all staged. He’d made up his mind already and wanted them to nominate him and then turn it down. He scored a few points on the floor for that. After all it was Christie Central in there today.
    Have you guys been at the hotel lately? He walks around and they follow him and scream and cheer like he’s a rock star

    rad, FM outsmart himself. he really thought it was his time and got a rude awakening.

  30. @LIZARD

    Lizard take it a step further. It was all staged. He’d made up his mind already and wanted them to nominate him and then turn it down. He scored a few points on the floor for that. After all it was Christie Central in there today.

    Have you guys been at the hotel lately? He walks around and they follow him and scream and cheer like he’s a rock star

  31. Boy, i really respect mother pratt. Thats one woman who is loved by FNM’s and PLP’s. She is a treasure.

  32. Everybody was expecting Fred to take the nomination, but fred palns and he does stuff stratigicly watch when you all least expect it he will strick…..hissssssssss hissss can you hear the hissing sound

  33. @Altec

    When I saw hailed her yesterday evening as she came in to register I almost asked her out for drinks.

    I guess she was busy picking out her new wardrobe for the GG post!

  34. @Altec

    O I don’t deny that!

    You were the lone voice crying in the wilderness now they all will see tomorrow. Results will be out by 5pm

  35. Rad :
    If the uproar I heard on convention floor this afternoon during nominations is any indication
    Leader Christie
    Deputy Brave
    Chairman Roberts
    Wasn’t that what I predicated a few days ago? The stars don’t lie
    BP reprimanded me on the Leader portion and agreed with the other two

    Rad i been saying for months now that PC will be reelected as leader.

    Obie is going to get the shock of his life cause Brave will beat him and Jerome. and my friend Glenys will get beat too from bradley Roberts.

  36. If the uproar I heard on convention floor this afternoon during nominations is any indication

    Leader Christie

    Deputy Brave

    Chairman Roberts

    Wasn’t that what I predicated a few days ago? The stars don’t lie

    BP reprimanded me on the Leader portion and agreed with the other two

  37. Yeah we’re serious. The jury is still out, Didn’t you notice BP retracted the breaking news headline?

  38. Kim Sands :
    The thing is eveybody knew she wasn’t going to jail, but let that had been me or you. We would have been losted in jail. That’s just the way life goes.

    JCN is saying its not so!

  39. According to Picewell Forbes she is a free woman, they already been celebrating. You know that song, Oh Happy Day? that’s the song they were singing when they got the news. You aint watching the convention aye?

  40. Kim Sands :
    No, I mean about the original dark horse.


    several weeks ago BP was ready to announce FM as his dark horse. then suddenly BP went quiet on the matter for weeks. Why? It was because those who were backing FM saw that the delegates wasnt into him. they totally miscalculated FMclout in the party.

    BJ entering the race was a last minute effort to wound PC. Fact is BJ got played. BJ know he is going to loose tomorrow but he doesnt care because he is getting ready to retire from ftont line politics in the middle of PC second term or retire after.

    I will repeat this again, BJ had no intentions of running for leader. he was persuaded at the last minute to do it.

  41. I heard late this afternoon Obie was trying to broker a deal with BJ and to think Christie let this man go all about the country telling people he and Christe was running as a ticket.

  42. It is over as the majority of the convention delegates responded resondingly when Christie nominated.Everyone in the room know that it is over.The new saying in the PLP is CDR,yes thats right,Chritie, Davis Roberts.Boy convention sweet you all better listen on radio because enthusiasm is building.Look for me on your televisions,I will be wearing a dark suit and will give the crab sign to you guys..

  43. This is no surprise at all.

    Fred put his name out several weeks ago and the feedback was very negative among the voting delegates. He had to decline to save face cause he know he wouldnt have gotten 100 votes.

    I done tell yall, Fred was BP’s original dark horse. The feedback or rather blow back was negative and those who backed Fred in a panic turned to BJ and persuaded him to run.
    If he lost its not a big deal as he wont be in politics in 5 years.

    BJ was contemplating retirement from front line politics. 2012 was suppose to be his last go round. Running for leader was no where on BJ’s mind several weeks ago. So for him challenging for leader was a win win.

    BP, I cant believe you were that politically tone deaf to back Fred and then BJ! Fred and BJ isnt and doesnt have that kind of clout in the party that you and they thought!

    Your attempts to remove PC has failed.

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