Homicide #13 recorded in Fox Hill last evening is man known to police…


47-year-old Richard Fowler is the victim in the country’s latest homicide!

NASSAU| Police have wrapped up homicide investigation #13, the 5th incident in four days, in the Fox Hill community this evening.

Investigators confirm that the victim, sometimes after 8pm, was on a park in the area when gunshots rang out.

As officers arrived, they discovered the lifeless body of a male known to them with a criminal wrap sheet. BP has identified him as 47-year-old Richard Fowler. He is believed to be a resident of the community.

Many may not recall how Fowler was a suspect in a high speed chase with police back in 2012, which led to the destruction of a patrol vehicle. Fowler, that suspect number one, was hit in a hail of gunfire off Chapel Street off Bernard Road. You also might remember that he was the man who was captured by Defense Force officers in a Haitian sloop with Dingy Pratt [now dead] some years back.

Police tell us Fowler was shot multiple times to the upper body. He was pronounced dead on the scene.

We report yinner decide!