Ingraham appoints John Canton as Director of Public Works


<<<John Canton, newly appointed Director of Public Works. Hubert don’t give a rat’s droppings about Bahamians.

Nassau, The Bahamas – The Ministry of Public Works and Transport has announced the appointment of John Canton as Director of Public Works.

A citizen of the United Kingdom, Mr. Canton holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Civil Engineering and a Master of Science degree in Irrigation Engineering. He is a Fellow of the Institute of Civil Engineers and a Member of the Chartered Institute of Water and Environmental Management.

Mr. Canton has more than 30 years of experience as a Chartered Engineer during which time he was employed on a wide range of civil engineering projects in the United Kingdom and internationally (in Cyprus, Hong Kong, Australia, Bangladesh and Ghana.)
Mr. Canton and his wife Valerie are the parents of two children.

The post of Director of Public Works had remained vacant since April 17, 2008 on the expiration of the contract of the substantive holder of the post, Ms. Melanie Roach. Mr. Gordon Major (former Director of Housing) was appointed Acting Director of Public Works during the interim period. Mr. Major has assumed new duties in the Office of the Prime Minister.

The search for the new Director of Public Works was very intensive.  During 2008 and 2009, in addition to its local publication, the advertisement for the post was published in professional journals, on job search websites and in leading newspapers in Jamaica, Trinidad, Barbados, Canada and UK. A total of 10 persons applied for the position, including four Bahamians.

The Public Service Commission interviewed nine of the applicants for the post during September 2009 including the four Bahamians. Mr. Canton was selected as the most suitably qualified person to fill the post of Director of Public Works. He assumed these duties with effect from June 7, 2010.


  1. Public Works is a disgrace, slackness, corruption and resourses deployed stupidly are killing every ministry.Politics has a lot to do with it however. If you are a constituent and you are disciplined, a supervisor can expect a threatening call from the Minister, as allegedly happened many times with the late Sir Clem….the government needs to clean house over there and threatening public officers, and interfering with officers should be made a crime punishable by 15yrs minimum…

  2. Well since he has the degree’s an experience what more do you want?… Yal complain about too much. Yes it would’ve been better if it was an Bahamian but I assume no one has the experience and qualifications to effectively perform the duties therefore on to the next one.

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