Lady Edith Turnquest suffers a massive stroke in London while on holiday


<<< Sir Orville and Lady Turnquest.

London, UK – Breaking News Happening Now <<< BP is reporting shocking news coming LIVE FROM LONDON. BP agents on the ground have confirmed Lady Edith Turnquest, while traveling to London with Sir Orville on holiday, has suffered a massive stroke. BP can confirm she has been rushed to hospital in central London.

Bahamas Press has learn Tommy Turnquest is headed to London at this hour to join the family.

The Turnquests were spending a 10 day vacation in London.

All residents are asked to keep her in your prayers this Mother Day.


  1. I will also say a special pray for her and her family I know it must be heard for Min. Turnquest and form G.G.

  2. Oh my God, I am so sorry to hear that. Such a lovely woman with such a warm and beautiful perosnality. She is definitely in my prayer.

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