More Save the Bays plants to get nominations within the Free National Movement!


Save the Bays and now Sarkis are planting their mouthpieces deep inside the FNM!

Save Da Bays Director Romauld Ferreira is one of several given a seat for funding in the upcoming elections. Michael Pintard who resigned was caught on tape plotting against the DULY ELECTED GOVERNMENT OF THE BAHAMAS!
Save Da Bays Director Romauld Ferreira is one of several given a seat for funding in the upcoming elections. Michael Pintard who resigned was caught on tape plotting against the DULY ELECTED GOVERNMENT OF THE BAHAMAS!

Nassau, Bahamas – News from deep inside the Free National Movement is getting juicier by the minute and, from the looks of things, it could get worse before it gets any better.

BP can report, following the collapse of several key candidates in the upcoming general elections, Dr. Hubert Minnis is already set to announce his replacement for Mr. Bamboozle.

Sources tell us Tribune columnist and cohort in the infamous Save the Bays emails scandal Adrian Gibson is set to contest the seat for the FNM in South Beach. The move goes with an earlier BP report, which confirmed how Louis Bacon’s Save the Bays is expected to plant six candidates. The FNM needs funding and in a ‘PARTY FOR SALE’ exercise candidates have been agreed.

Earlier this week we reported how Rev. C. B. Moss, who also works for Save the Bays, is seeking the ratification for the Bains and Grants Town seat for the FNM. Moss began in earnest this week with rallies in the area with little success. Last week former candidate Leonard Sands tendered his resignation citing personal problems.

We can also report Mr. Superwash Dionisio D’Aguilar, who never has anything good to say in support for Bahamians or the Bahamas, shall remove and replace Richard Lightbourn from the nomination of Montaqu. The decision to ratify D’Aguilar could also come next week.

But the big breakdown will come from the community of Long Island where a petition is already circulating to have Loretta Butler replaced in that community.

BP understands dedicated Long Islander Ian Knowles is the frontrunner to replace Loretta, who is already not taking the decision of her party well and is now hiding from the press.

Butler-Turner challenged Party Maximum Leader Dr. Hubert Minnis at the recent party conclave in July. She attacked the leadership and called the organization’s convention committee corrupt!

The ethnic cleansing deep inside the organization is not going well and BP’s prophetic civil war at multiple levels in the interior of the party will get a lot worse before it gets better.

We report yinner decide!

Dionisio D’Aguilar and former Board Member for the failed project.
Dionisio D’Aguilar and former Board Member for the failed project.