Murder suspect found hiding in San Salvador…


According to reports, police on San Salvador, acting on information arrested a 19yr old male of Cowpen Road reference to the murder of Prince Prudence. The male was transported to the capital and handed over to the Central Detective Unit, where an investigation is ongoing.

Major Drug bust on Grand Bahama Sunday….

BREAKING UPDATE >>>> Bahamas Press live in the Freeport Canals today where police and DEU officers intercepted a drug operation in broad daylight. Only Bahamas Press teams, the US Coast Guard and the Police along with spectators were present…


Here’s what your children are doing to the teachers… BP IS LIVE with record…

THIS IS NOT GOOD PEOPLE >>> If you are concern about your child being in this environment at R. M. Bailey – Please take action now. If they can do this to the authority in the classroom – what do you think they would do to other people. Children must learn how to RESPECT TEACHER! They must learn how to respect leadership…. THIS CANNOT BE HAPPENING!!!!