Perry Christie Slams Ingraham in the House



Presenting the House with a resolution of unity on the economy, Perry Christie unveiled his former government’s plan for the country to move the nation forward. Touching examples where his government engaged studies which including all sectors in the Bahamian fabric, Christie chided the government decision to derail the future of the country’s Tourism product. “Please catch yourself on this one, this is not a matter we can slither away!” Christie told the House.

Whilst Mr. Chirstie was speaking in the House and his tone in the debate began to get heated. Channel 40 disconnected the audio, silencing Mr. Christie in his contribution to the television audience.



  1. No Kim, WOW took care of that for me. She answered very appropriately so I am good….LOL.

  2. WOW! you really needs to behave yourself, that was too funny and to the point!!!! Drama aint nothing to say after that….you people kills me. Well mudo!!!

  3. LOLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL……I went to answer Thomas Finley but I see WOW has answered on behalf of all of us.

    Very appropriate, WOW and thanks again…..LOLLLL

  4. We believe you should be paid not because your opinions are of value, but because it is hard to believe that a person would commit such political brown-nosing for free.

  5. Tristan and the rest, you guys need to hook me up; I am not on anyone’s payroll. I am flattered that you believe I should be paid though.The views expressed here are my own. If you can hook me up though I will give you a commission.

  6. Mr. Carroll, I agree with you 1000000%. I cannot begin to imagine a more selfish person than the Rt Hon. Box Fish head himself …. I was thinking more like a Watermelon Head though.

    This man is rude, arrogant, selfish (as mentioned)and does not care about ANYONE, why then does he want to be Prime Minister over a nation? I can only answer that by saying its all in feeding his gigantic ego.

  7. No politician in our history has been as arrogant, uncaring and insulting as Hubert Ingraham. Bahamians are having the worse economic times of their lives and what does he do to them? increase customs import duties across the board without blinking an eye and who pays? the poor people, of course.

  8. No politician in our history has been as arrogant, uncaring and insulting as box fish head Hubert. Bahamians are having the worse economic times of their lives and what does he do to them? increase customs import duties across the board without blinking an eye and who pays? the poor people, of course. Hubert cares, little, whether you live or die so long as his own bread is buttered and, believe me, it is buttered. selfish is a mild word, with which to describe him.

  9. Tristan your point is valid. Yes these people are HI’s watch dogs and on the pay roll. There’s a new one around now “betternowandbettertocome”. I also remember when Humbug Ingraham came to Parliament made his contribution and left. He was representing the FNMs of Abaco but was acting like he was separate and apart from ALL FNMs. He was angry because they didnt want him as leader any more. When he became leader again in 2005, then he started being more active.

    I even remember after the FNM’s defeat in 2002, when the PLPs jeered Ingraham in Parliament he was so cold he got up and said, “Had I still been the leader of the FNM, THEY would have won.”….totally dissing the then leader Tommy Turnquest and acting like he was independent from the FNM.

  10. No politician in our history has been as arrogant, uncaring and insulting as box fish head Hubert. Bahamians are having the worse economic times of their lives and what does he do to them? increase customs import duties across the board without blinking an eye and who pays? the poor people, of course. Hubert cares, little, whether you live or die so long as his own bread is buttered and, believe me, it is buttered. selfish is a mild word, with which to describe this two footed excuse for a human being.

  11. WOW, Kerzner must be sending a message with the logo showing a FISH EATING PIZZA, I guess he’s the BIG FISH.
    Now he is welcoming us to come over P.I. Seems really fishy to me to.

  12. aintlongnah on the payroll too along with Thomas Finley talkin bull crap on this site. How can you cook up excuses without thinking and coming here defending the Man who is guilty of treason. Mr Ingraham only came to parliament regularly in 2005 to 2007 then left after his contribution. He only spoke about 1992-2002. We tend to forget or maybe we like aintlongnah pay forget about the past. the Simply the best PM is just Sinply Clueless

  13. ronica7 maybe only a few of us “remember” this eh? Even at FNM rallies before election Ingraham bragged about how he was going to deal with those developments. He said it. And, he also bragged at the same rallies of his intended victimization which he carried out.

    These people DO NOT care about anyone.

  14. what the fnm did aintlongnah, was stop, review, and cancelled the bahamar negotiations.
    remember the prime minister bragging about how they took back the cecil wallace-whitfield building, they bragged about how they were looking for something untoward. all and sundry knows, that the fnm stopped all plp contracts,and thus the imminent implosion of the bahamian economy

  15. Drama King,
    I concur with you it really is very very “scary and pathetic !! What is this country coming to? No regard for people’s livelihood”.The poor man has few friends in our land and the rich man has many–it aint fair

  16. I agree Baha Mar closed Johnny Canoe for absolutely NOTHING puting the common man on the street jobless! Rich folks are heartless!

    Ronica7, please note AND THIS IS NO BREAKING NEWS – the baha mar deal was dead loooooooong before the FNM won in May 2007. The PLP govt as soon as they figured this out “late again” they went quiet on the deal and ducked and douged signing and sealing it and tossed it on the slow burned with the hope that after the election to maybe give it another look again. If it was such a great deal it would have been signed before the election-dah! Well, the election happened and the rest is HISTORY.

  17. the bahamar statement read “coupled with the prime minister’s remarks.

    mr. ingraham has to live that down that’s his legacy. i always wondered what it was thanks for answering that for me “aintlongnah”

  18. GCF, one of the restuarants on Paradise Island was a very popular for the Pizza’s. Kerzner made them move out, tear down the building, then decide to delay the project and build a parking lot instead. Now Kerzner advertising their Pizzaria all over ZNS. Seems fishy to me.

  19. GCF This is awful that is why the country is functioning the way it is. Arawak Cay is a place that the tourists love to frequent. I guess they are probably wondering what attractions they could come up with to attract tourists, when the answers are often looking them in the face. All they need to do is to try to improve the places they know the tourist love to hang out and try to add more activities for the tourist. It seems to me they are doing away with all of the stuff our guest normally enjoys.

    I am a strong believer, “if at ain’t broke don’t fix it.”

  20. Its scary and pathetic !! What is this country coming to? No regard for people’s livelihood.

  21. Kim Sands, there seems to be a growing culture to eliminate successful Bahamian restaurants “in certain areas,” I know of five good restaurants that were forced out from their location in the last few months. Three on Paradise Island to create “green space,” as well as Johnny Canoe, and Sabrros on Cable Beach, AND now the most frequent tourist dinning Arawak Cay restaurants “MAY” soon be flattened.

  22. Michael1 you are correct. Ingraham is obsessed with 1992, so much that one of his cars bares the license plates “1992”. He, apparently, is still in shock that he pulled off that win and de-throned the PLP.

    When he was leader of the Opposition, Ingraham ran on forever about what he met in 1992. He needs to get over it and concentrate now on what he is DOING in 2008 – SIMPLY NOTHING. “Simply The Best”, my foot !!

  23. Aintlongnah I agree Perry Christie government could have done more research before Baha Mar was given the approval to go ahead. This ridiculous decision caused many persons their job unnecessarily. Tourism attractions like Johnny Canoe were forced to close down for no apparent reason. They should have gotten everything up and running first, before these business owners were asked to close their doors. They really handle those persons poorly.

  24. Aintlongnah. Good rant for the campaign trail. The reality is that now we have “simply the best” and all we are getting from him is excuses. Witness yesterday’s session in the House. Excuse after excuse!

  25. Chritie can really run out now. He talking crap as usual about unveiled his former government’s plan for the country to move the nation forward. He approved deadbeat/going no where projects like Baha Mar without properly checking out the facts of this deal…a deal that was better for his pocket not better for the Bahamas. What a legacy he has left!! People on Cable Beach are loosing jobs every hour on the hour Christie should get on his own case for his poor decisions on the future of the country’s Tourism product especially Baha Mar -how can you give Cable Beach away to people who know nothing about hotels and casinos and all of his poor decisions or rather no decision. The decisions he did make –which are a few in number were ALL poor.

  26. Joe Blow, you talk about being repetitive. Did you ever listen to Mr. Ingraham when he was in opposition?

    In every single speech, he talked about what he met in 1992 and listed every single thing he did as PM between 1992-2002.


  27. You are very welcome Joe Blow. I didnt want you to go away with the wrong impression of Mr. Sears.

    Maybe his demeanor comes from being a professor in one of the most prestigious universities in New York.

    Truly he is a very humble person. Actually I was very surprised to see him in politics.

  28. Drama King I do not know the good gentleman and was only making a subjective observation. I take your word for it and will try to be a little more understanding of his demeanor in the future. Thanks for your imput.

  29. Joe Blow….thanks for the quick run down.

    There is one thing that I beg to differ on. Alfred Sears is in no way pompous or thinks himself better than anyone. I know this gentleman all my life. He went through poverty and all sorts of craziness in his youthful days and end up coming out on top. He went through MANY struggles. You have it wrong.

    Agreed he is a little long winded in Parliament but I am GLAD that he called Ingraham an ignoramous because some of the things that come out of his mouth are indicative of him being just that – an ignoramous.

    Now Perry Christie….lets just say I can never follow successfully any statement, contribution or speech that he makes. He strays off from the point too much and appears to be preaching all the time.

  30. Mr. Sears, while on his feet, made a remark about Mr. Ingram being ignorant, in retaliation, as he said but I did not hear, to an utterence that purportably offered what he (Mr. Sears) was saying was “sissy talk”. Unfortunately Mr. Sears has a way of holding himself and speaking that seems to give evidence that he is rather pompous and thinks he is above others. Mr. Ingram leaves the House when Mr. Sears speaks because he gets tired, as I do, of hearing the same thing over and over again. Ditto for Mr. Christie. We continue to hear the same subjects hashed over time after time and quite frankly I believe it is a stalling tactic to try to confuse the issues that should be spoken too. Yes, Mr. Ingrham interjects and sometimes rudely and I suspect it is because he does not suffer fools gladly. Mr. Chrisitie, in his presentation, had absolutly nothing new or constructive to offer in his resolution, just more of the “same old, same old”. It was interesting to note that 70% of all households in New Providence use 800 watts or less per month and that % in Grand Bahamas is 75. Also of interest were the economic measures to be implemented on Oct. 1 to help the marginalized in our sosciety.

  31. I listened to a bit of what Christie said and thought what a waste! This man is possibly the best speaker in the House but falls short of everything else. Sad!

  32. When I turned on the TV in my office, I had seemed to have just missed Alfred Sears calling Humbug Ingraham “an ignoramous”……at least I think thats what was being said. Can someone verify this for me please so I can have a good laugh.

    Alfred Sears is a good, decent, honest man and I shocked that he silenced Humbug Ingraham….shocked….but glad….lol…..details someone who watched, please.

  33. Man I forget the house was on today so I miss that. You think they will replay it? I doubt it. BP, sound like you need to stream the House live too.

  34. And what is again notice is the fact that when Alfred Sears rose to second the motion by Christie, Hubert Ingraham left the House of Assembly. What is it about Alfred Sears that scares the wits out of Hubert Ingraham EVERY TIME?

    Bahamas Press

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