Police shot 20 persons killing 11 in 2018! What will the Human Rights Reports around the world have to say about that!?


Police have a duty to protect even the GUILTY and deliver them to justice!

Commissioner of Police Anthony Ferguson and his top brass.

Nassau – Bahamas Press is now getting a clearer idea of the number of persons killed at the hands of another in 2018.

We had recorded that some 94 persons were killed 2018. The police say it was only 91, with some of the victims still not classified, like the body of Marvin Pratt, which we believed was discovered in bushes just a few weeks ago. Police have yet to identify that missing man/victim.

We know from information coming from police some 20 persons were shot by officers in 2018, of which 9 survived the ordeal. That is what police tell us. Of the 9, we recall how one was a blind man catching a ride on a motorbike – shot and killed by officers. Another was a young man 20-year-old Deangelo Evans of Saxons Way in Mason’s Edition, who was shot 17 times by officers. Following that crazy incident police held their own press conference and [GET THIS] never invited the press; asking themselves questions about the police shotting and providing some brief answers. Another shooting was that of a deranged man whittling with a pocketknife on Columbus Primary School grounds that man was mental. Then there was this man named Sylvester Dentry McKenzie, aged 35-years, of Cedar Way. He was shot dead by police on a Sunday afternoon while in his car. He offered no threat to police. He had NO WEAPON! And no criminal record. This is insane. Sylvester was just a jet ski operator intercepted on a suspicion and gunned down while inside his vehicle.

We at BP cannot forget the police shooting of a man on Fox Hill Road who, after lifting a bucket at a fruit stand just opposite the Fox Hill Police Station, was shot some five times by a lone officer. The victim then sat in the hot sun awaiting the ambulance to arrive for more than :30 minutes – BP was live on the scene. What is this? We also recall the two men in a suspicious car shot dead by police in the Cowpen Road area on another Sunday evening last year. There are more in our records but we will end there, knowing that you get the picture.

Police killings have shot through the roof and last year were the highest and bloodiest in the country’s history since records have been kept.

Bahamas Press awaits the United States State Department’s Human Rights reports on the Bahamas featuring these slayings. We know in their last report they confirmed that there were no missing persons. Well, guess what? Marvin Pratt and a gang of persons have vanished off the face of the Bahamas just like the many children in America with only memories on boxes. And we don’t know why these people cannot be found.

We also know that the Human Rights Report should have something to say about the escalation of police slayings on persons in the capital in 2018!

Officers have a duty to even protect the guilty! And Commissioner said it best a few weeks ago – NO ONE BUT THE COURTS HAVE A RIGHT TO END A LIFE! So what is going on here?
What is this going on in the Bahamas where persons are being dragged out of their homes for questioning, former MPs are being dragged before the courts on charges where even police have testified that no crime has been committed and others cannot get a court date to answer to their charges. WHAT IS THIS?

And with all this, what disturbs us at BP most is the shared silence by the press, the commentators around the country. The social media experts who have nothing to say. The wutless dutty media, the Press Club, the NGOs and all right-thinking citizens of note [judges/pastors/civil and former political leaders] to all this?! What kinda JACKASS PLACE IS THIS where people are going missing and no one gives a damn! Something is wrong with this picture.

Anyway we ga keep reporting and let yinner keep deciding – even in silence!