Priscilla “Kitty” Grant Glover-Symonnett Turns 100 Years Old


    Nassau, Bahamas — On the occasion of her reaching the century mark this coming Sunday, September 26th, the Governor General Sir Arthur Foulkes made a visit to the Stapledon Gardens home Friday September 24 of Priscilla  “Kitty” Grant Glover-Symonnette on Bethel Avenue.

    The Governor General posed for a photo with Ms. Glover-Symonette, as well as for a photo with her and her family.


    1. Thank you for that wonderful piece on cousin Kitty.
      She attended Church at St. Mary’s on her birthday and hosted family and friends to breakfast afterwards.
      However her maiden name was Glover [not Grant]

      • Dear Bahamas Press,

        I am a granddaughter of Mrs. Priscilla Grant Glover-Symmonett, who is affectionately known as “Kitty”.

        I thank you for posting the above pictures and corresponding captions with regard to my grandmother turning 100 on her birthday, the 26th September, 2010, as posted on the 24th September, 2010. Please note though, that her christian name is “Priscilla” and not “Pricilla”, that her middle name is “Grant”, that her maiden name is “Glover” (sister of Ted G. Glover, the educator) and that her married name is “SYMMONETT” and not “SYMONNETTE”.

        I also wish to extend my heartfelt congratulations to His Excellency Sir Arthur A. Foulkes, Knight Commander of the Most Distinguished Order of Saint Michael and Saint George, Governor-General of The Commonwealth of The Bahamas, for bringing “Government House” to my grandmother’s residence and recognizing her 100th birthday.

        My grandmother is truly my hero; she continues to exemplify christianity, selflessness, kindness, humility, enthusiasm for life, courage and love for all other human beings with whom she comes into contact.

        Congratulations grammy and may God continue to bless you to live to see many more birthdays, as you strive to make heaven your final destination while sojourning on this earth.

    2. What a most beautiful woman and family. I read 100 years and fist thought it was a misprint. But I’m pretty sure by now you’re used to being mistaken for many years younger. I can sense in your peaceful face, that your strong faith in your God has always been your pillow of strength.
      May I join in as all Bahamians celebrate you, Kitty”!! Happy Birthday!!

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