Why have some five Permanent Secretaries been removed or left the Ministry of Transport and Agriculture since Renward Wells became A Cabinet Minister?


Pipes burst in New Post Office! Permanent Secretary MOVED!!!

SLUM Landlord Brent Symonette and Doping Expert Minister Renward Wells…

NASSAU| Observers are questioning why some five Permanent Secretaries have been removed from the Ministry of Transport and Agriculture since Renward Wells has taken office in those departments? The thought is chilling and is serious if you ask anyone in Government.

And, further, a serious question must be put as to what has gone down in Transport Government Ministry to have caused two Cabinet Ministers to take over the Ministry in the past two years.

The first Minister, you would recall, was Frankie Campbell, who was quickly removed to Social Services. The transfer was never explained. And now that Wells has taken over the Transport Ministry, another PS will be transferred out from his Ministry altogether come Tuesday. But Why? Why is Cora Colebrooke and next week a 5th PS will serve under Wells in just two years? What is this about?

We know the controversial General Post Office Contract with the Town Centre Mall comes under Wells portfolio. Wells initially told Parliament the deal will cost taxpayers some $900,000 annually. However, former Cabinet Minister and owner of the mall said on national radio that figure was untrue and that the lease arrangement which remained unsigned in the Office of the Attorney General was only a little over $700,000. WHAT A SCANDAL.

Brent Symonette and PM Minnis.

So why did these PS leave the Ministry of Transport? Could it be because another secret deal for Brent Symonette is being hatched by the Government for the Prince George Wharf to go to a management company in which Symonette’s APD is involved? You just never know as secret deals, conflict, self-dealing and SCANDAL abounds deep inside the Minnis Administration!

Today pipes bursts inside the Town Centre Mall, which has long had a mold problem for its tenants. Will the owners repair and clean up the damage of the busted pipe? Was it sewerage pipes that burst, which spilled a black gummy substance all inside the mailing room? Was the substance a dangerous example of mold or sewerage?

Will Brent fix the pipe matter today – out of his pocket? Or will we THE Government foot the bill? No one knows!

Anyway, let’s get back to our original question: Why were some five Permanent Secretaries removed or left the Ministry of Transport and Agriculture since Renward Wells became Minister?

Meanwhile we know PS Antionette Thompson from Ministry of Works will be Renward Well’s 5th PS assigned to him. She was overheard cussing in a bar recently where Omar Archer and one European male was having lunch and boy her words were seasoned!

Stay tuned!

We report yinner decide!