Palm Burnside says ‘Bahamas All Stars Shine’


Letter to the BP

Dear Editor,

I have just returned from two hours of exquisite entertainment – music and more music, singing, drama, dancing and marching by the Bahamas All Stars at their ‘Road to Macy’s Concert’ at the National Center for the Performing Arts. What a treat! Yonell Justilien and the Bahamas All Stars’ Board (who are all volunteers), and all of the members of this group are to be congratulated for this evening’s performance to raise funds for their upcoming trip to participate in Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade in New York! What a wonderful opportunity to show off the talent of these hard working and dedicated young Bahamians! Congratulations go out also to the Bahamas All Stars’ sponsors – tonight was ample evidence that your donations are being very well spent!

If you did not attend this performance, you missed an evening of first class entertainment. I would encourage you to log on to their facebook page and consider giving them a donation, as I am sure that they need much more funding. I certainly hope that the Ministry of Tourism does not pass up the opportunity to sponsor these cultural ambassadors on their upcoming trip. Having seen enough examples of such disregard by ministries of government for our own when it comes to Bahamian culture, I will be watching closely, and urge the public to also do so.

True to form and needless to say, there was not one politician in attendance as far as I could see (and I stand to be corrected), a fact which several persons commented on as we waited outside the ‘National’ Performing Arts Centre that had a malfunctioning air conditioning system. This, however, did not deter the performers who played their instruments, and danced and marched like professionals, even though they were soaked through with sweat.

At the end of the performance, I was also amazed to see that there were no lights on in the very dark parking lot! On this, the supposed year of culture, on our upcoming 41st anniversary of Independence, when are we going to get serious about what the word ‘national’ truly means, and get it right? I cry shame on all the ‘powers that be’ – you politicians who over and over again show your ignorance of Bahamian culture, and exhibit, by your disdainful absences at cultural performances that you do not ‘control’ (and I can count on ONE hand, the politicians that I know of who have truly shown an interest in these events), your lack of respect for Bahamian talent, and your lack of interest for any event which does not afford you the opportunity to mouth off in front of a camera. It is all so annoying! You seem to forget that WE, the people, are the nation and you are OUR servants, so it is time that you get down off your high horses and get real!

Bahamas All Stars – continue to shine and show the world at the Macy’s Parade what you have to offer!! You make me so proud – you are the hope of our future!

Yours sincerely,

Pam Burnside