MP for Marco City withdraws from Involvement in his UDP Party and frontline politics leaving the organization to John Pinder….


MP for Marco City Greg Moss

FREEPORT – In a letter which circulated last night to be released to the press later today Marco City MP Gregory K. Moss has stepped down as leader of his party and noted that with immediate effect he would be suspending his involvement in the political process in the Bahamas to fully commit himself to his family and professional obligations. “As a result I have resigned as Leader of the United Democratic Party and will not be offering myself for re-election to the House of Assembly during the 2017 General Elections,” Moss wrote.

In so doing it is confirmed that John Pinder a candidate for the Fox Hill Constituency will assume leadership control for the UDP.

Moss had announced November 23rd, 2015 in the House of Assembly that he recently formed the UDP in Grand Bahama and has been elected leader of the organisation.

He said the party was formed on Sunday, November 22, and would contest every seat in the House of Assembly during the next general election.

BP has also learned that an announcement will come confirming a joining of forces between the DNA and the UDP. That ga be interesting.

Moss, who was appointed Chairman of NIB, was elected to the Parliament on the ticket of the PLP during the 2012 elections but left the Party that same year.

We report yinner decide.