Ingraham sets his eyes on Government House as he promises victimization under an FNM Government!


The Red Circus rallies on the Carnival Grounds with PAPA CLOWN as the key spokesman…STILL NO PLANS NOR REAL IDEAS FROM THE FAKE NATIONAL MOVEMENT!

Hubert Ingraham

Nassau, Bahamas – In a move to deflect from the real issues of the day while creating comedy on stage at the Fake National Movement rallies, former Prime Minister once again spewed his venom for his puppet masters Save the Bays, which negotiated a retainer for his return last week.

Hubert Ingraham, we are reliably informed, desires a role in the government and has been promised Government House if the ‘Fake_NM’ is elected to office on May 10th.

At the rally held on the Carnival Grounds the ‘red circus’ was partying following a poor showing of support in the advance poll at the Kendal G. L Isaacs Gym.

Ingraham, who is now attempting to help a weak Minnis, read his text with energy from his Victimization Playbook as he told FNMs that from the Hill [Government House] to the Valley electing a FNM Government would mean everything goes.

Ingraham we have long told readers has been the author of victimization in the Bahamas, and now, after five long years of being unable to topple Minnis through his special hack of writers; has come to his rescue to deflect the party’s lack of plans for the country into future.

Readers should remember this same playbook of 2002 when Ingraham realized that the Fake National Movement was unable to win the election he vacated the leadership. Most voters today forgot how Ingraham then abandoned the party and left it in the hands of a weak Tommy T. Well, that was a complete disaster! Da Failed Dream Team of Tommy and Dion who coukd not excite a mosquito. And then just two weeks into the PLP’s landslide victory of that year he returned to help the FNM get slaughtered. We believe and know the same shall occur on May 10th.

Ingraham last night promised mass firings from Government House to the Road sweeper, something he himself practiced back in 2007 when he fired police officers, customs officers, ZNS line staff and sent packing scores of civil servants while he oversaw the construction of expensive ‘terlets’ and spent millions to throw sand on Saunders Beach!

But nothing surprises us about the Fake National Movement these days. They are desperate! They have no plan and these days they take their stolen ideas from the PNP political party in Jamaica manifesto to sell to Bahamians! UNBELIEVABLE!

We cannot wait in the thousands to show Minnis and his Papa what we think about dem!

We report yinner decide!