Registrar Departments is making sure NO TERRORIST FINANCING is being carried out by Non-Profit Organizations in the Bahamas!


BP believes many of the non-profits operating in the Bahamas could be hidden ‘Terrorist Cell Operations’ moving millions underground! The Bahamas must weed dem out especially those with MURDER FOR HIRE PLOTS!

Government notice appear in the Friday newspaper.

Nassau, Bahamas – A bunch of non-profit organizations must get with it and make their financial disclosures to the Registrar’s Department so they can properly issue them a licence.

This includes scores of denominations, as well as these many non-profit environmental groups like Save the Bays that is operating in the Bahamas through several groups but is registered in New York, and has tons of cases in the Supreme Court of the Bahamas against the Government!

The Registrar is undertaking a national exercise to see the books of these many groups and churches to fall in line with new regulations, which took into effect on 6th August, 2014.

Save the Bays in particular has long been an advocate for Freedom of Information, but nowadays they refuse to disclose who is funding its legal operations in the Bahamas.

The Registrar wants, in the spirit of Transparency and Accountability, the consolidated records of the entities to show and explain the multiple transactions in the millions by these non-profit groups.

There is a need to make sure that these many hidden private operations are not carrying out ANY TERRORIST EXERCISES/WIRES and we hope they all comply with these disclosures.

Failure for the Non-Profits to comply will result in a $10,000 fine on summary conviction, or a revocation of the non-profit licenses and removal from the Registrar of Companies pursuant to sections 271 and 273 of the Act!

This would mean all the millions moving all through those bank accounts by these groups and their hidden cells shall end!

Praise Jehovah!

We report yinner decide!