Murders climbed by 39% and Minister Dames proposes the failed policy of dismantling CDU again!


Some 70 murder accused persons are walking up and down in the town, Dames confirmed!

Minister for National Security Marvin Dames.

Police ain’t getting the rest of dey Money!

Nassau, Bahamas – Police are now reporting that murders have now climbed up by 39% and the Minister for National Security has not clue as to what to do?

During the campaign Marvin Dames told voters he will fix crimes and read minds before a crime occurs. But over the weekend – in one day – some three more persons joined the homicide chart, racking up a total of some 89 murders thus far for the year.

The Minister revealed in a press conference on Saturday that some 268 persons are on bail – 70 of whom are for MURDER and the rest for armed robbery and attempted murder. The picture paints a crisis developing within the country where some 50 plus persons have already committed bail violations.

Dames suggested a plan, which failed during the Ingraham 2007 – 2012 period of government, where he will call for the dismantling of the Central Detective Unit and place detectives at local stations. The plan was a disaster back under Ingraham and delivered the bloodiest period of homicides the country had ever seen with four years of record murders.

During the last administration, they recorded a serious reduction in crime across the board. But ya know; “It’s the People’s Time” – to die perhaps.

We report yinner decide!