Opposition Leader Davis pleads to the Prime Minister to stop calling Bahamians corrupt on the world stage!


From The Office Of The Leader of the Opposition On The Prime Minister “Bad Mouthing” The Bahamas While Abroad

PM HUBERT MINNIS AND Opposition Leader Philip Brave Davis Q.C.

17 April 2018

The Prime Minister just does not know what to say when speaking on our behalf overseas. He has been to South America and now in Europe and at each stop along the way, he told the world that The Bahamas is a corrupt place in which to do business.

This bad mouthing of our country shows that common sense is not common. To support his unfounded allegations of a corrupt country, he claimed that 200 million dollars was lost to corruption. The Prime Minister cannot make such an assertion without saying on what empirical data he bases this statistic or assertion. I ask him to provide the evidence.

I have said this to him before. The Bahamas is the least corrupt country in the region. The international community accepts that this is so.

Notwithstanding the facts, the Prime Minister goes around the world and the best he can do is tell the world in defiance of the truth that the country is corrupt. The Prime Minister’s conduct is inexcusable and inexplicable.

He could talk about Bahamar, our pristine beaches and turquoise waters and our friendly people. He could talk about the world class barrier reef and the excellent fly fishing flats of Andros, the beauty of Exuma and what a joy it is to swim with the pigs or the first landfall of Columbus being San Salvador. Instead he provides the world with a steady diet of negative news at the same time and in a forum where he is supposed to be promoting The Bahamas as a safe place in which to invest.

I urge him to stop it. Say good things about The Bahamas not bad things. You are the country’s Prime Minister, not a foreign agent. You should be our chief promoter.  I urge his colleagues to put a brake on his propensity to spread bad news and  urge him to spread the good news about our country.



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