Cabinet sacks the entire board at BPL as chaos erupts inside the Corporation…


High bills and power cuts have caused the collapse of the BPL BOARD!

BPL Chairman Darnell Osborne.

Nassau – Trouble is brewing at Bahamas Power and Light and today BP has learned that the Cabinet has instructed the termination of the entire board at the Corporation.

Now yinner should know BPL been having some serious summer challenges even after Minister Desmond Bannister told residents back in June that BPL is ready for a good summer of stable power supply. THAT WAS A LIE!

Power cuts over the past weeks have gone from bad to worse and what is even more troubling is how BPL’s power bills to customers have doubled and you heard that first here on BP.

BPL Union President Paul Maynard told media that he and the president of the managerial union were called into a meeting today with Public Works Minister Desmond Bannister, who informed them that “the old board is gone and a new board will be in place by Friday”. Well what is this?

BP learned an instruction of the Cabinet amid all the trouble asked for the former board members to vacate their post with immediate effect. [AKA CARRY YA ….]

Meanwhile, Opposition Leader Philip Brave Davis Q.C. released a statement following news of the developments as he made contact with the PM to get clarity. Davis said, “I wanted to hear for myself what on earth was going on with his government.

“This latest news simply confirms that he and his colleagues do not have a plan for power generation for this country. They also seem to be lurching from one crisis to the next.

“We need an explanation. What is the back-story? Has corruption been uncovered? Is incompetence the problem?”

The now fired board terminated the last set of executives and removed key persons within the corporation in an expensive series of separation packages. The talent at BPL is GONE and now that the problems are mounting, the Board has gotten the ax. We believe it ain’t long before the elected CABINET will get the AX from the people.

We report yinner decide!