Citizens Review Airs Tonight on JCN 14 @ 9PM


Citizens’ Review Commercial from Citizens’ Review on Vimeo.

Moncur RodneyRodney Moncur, to the surprise of many, manages to contain his anger at the incompetency of the two major parties, outlining a clearer explanation of his intentions

MP for Fox Hill, Fred Mitchell and FNM Deputy Chairman Michael Turnquest get into an insightful, passionate debate about the issues.

As for the “ghost candidate” – well, you’ll see what happens on the show.

All this and more on the premiere of a new Bahamian show – Citizens’ Review: tonight at 9pm on JCN, channel 14.

“This is the show that will change the way Television is done in the Bahamas. On this show we ask the hard questions, we discuss the difficult issues, we provide creative commentary on everyday issues and best of all we include everyone in the process.”

Citizens’ Review is an innovative, new talk show formulated by the minds of several young Bahamians who are seeking to introduce a more poignant and innovative approach to Bahamian punditry with high regards to professionalism, accuracy of information and a fearless tackling of the issues.Hon. Fred Mitchell

Citizens’ Review will be a vehicle for pursuit and discovery of the answers craved by the average citizen. The purpose of the show is to pose the issues that are on the people’s minds, ask the questions that the people want to ask, and pry for the answers that people seek in a healthy, free-flowing democracy. We will do that through strategic guest selection with a view towards creating an environment that provides for objective critical analysis, constructive criticism, and fresh perspectives from all areas of the Bahamian and international social, economic, political and cultural spectrum.

Mr. Rodney Moncur (Workers Party)
Mr. Andre Rollins (National Development Party)
Mr. Godfrey “PRO” Pinder (Christian Love Movement)
Mr. Fred Mitchell (Progressive Liberal Party)
Mr. Michael Turnquest (Free National Movement)


  1. Well I tuned in to the show and I must say that much work needs to be done if this show is to be sucessful.
    Not sure who produced this show but I think they ought to revisit having that person produce the show.
    I will say that I know erin and I know the type of person he is so all I will say is ppl want realistic conversations.
    I think everyone last night was too scripted. Not sure if they were prepped on what questions would be asked or not but that’s the way it seemed.
    I’ll leave it at that for now. Don’t wanna come across in a negative way. As I’m sure you will read this erin check your inbox on facebook, I will offer up
    My talents to your show if you’re interested.
    Continue striving for excellence your from a breed of great ingenuity.

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