Ambassador flown in from China to campaign in the Lizzy by-election


chinacampbell<<< Elma [With to many different surnames] Campbell on FNM podium last night. [FILE PHOTO]

Nassau, Bahamas — The government of the Bahamas has launched a vicious attack on the public purse of the country. Bahamas Press has just learned former candidate and loser in the Elizabeth constituency in the 2007 election, Elma [With to many different surnames] Campbell and cousin of Duane Sands, has been flown into town at the people’s expense.

What is she doing campaigning in Lizzy? She is a public servant paid by the public! What was she doing on the podium of the FREE NATIONAL MOVEMENT LAST NIGHT?

We’ve learned the round trip ticket first class from China has been paid from the public treasury! The ticket amounted to over $7,000! We call on the minister of Foreign Affairs, Brent Symonette, to fire Campbell with immediate effect and stop the nasty abuse of the public purse by this WUTLESS GOVERNMENT!

Bahamian lights are off, mama in Lizzy needs a new knee, no food in the cupboard, roach in the fridge and the rats playing domino yet, the uncaring, mistrusted government of Hubert Ingraham is splurging every dime of the people’s money. Government Workers cannot be paid, civil servants cannot get their raise and nurses cannot get their increase and insurance.




  1. Maybe not to you eagle. But she sure was known as gail to me. And ine askin you I TELLIN YOU!

  2. Well I love that elma (to many surnames) piece. I gatta wonder
    If she aint some sirt of crime boss cuz I always knew her as gail chase.
    So where this whole elma campbell came from is still mysterious to me.
    The next time I see her daughter malika CHASE I will ask her what’s really good!
    And while she here can someone please ask “Gail” to come through trinidad ave.
    AND REMOVE THAT ONE LINGERING POSTER of her that was there from 07 please!
    Maybe I should go take a pic of that so ppl can see how sands stick he posters on that same lampole
    And didn’t care to remove elma old fade out poster if our good lampole.

  3. C’mon, BP!! You have a photographer on the ground in Lizzy.  Where’s the picture of the ambassador at the FNM Rally?  Please!!

  4. no matter what youll say or think the plp will retain the seat wether you think bp truthful or not suck it up and accept the facts the writing on the wall they tryin ryan sands will operate on himself after this one but pappa gat him covered with a senate seat isnt that the deal deal ?????????

  5. BP get jokes for days… BP did you know of the large amount of Malcolm Adderley PLP supporters that came over to the FNM in the last week… People from polling divisions 2, 3 and 7… BP.. I can bet ya… ya telling PLP lies and guess what… end of the day… FNM get this one… we are now on to ya madness…BP is now PLP Central command.. lies and lots more lies.. how much ya getting paid BP.. maybe you can assist the PLP in paying it big bill to ZNS… Shame on the PLP…

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