Jane Hilton, the ex-wife of attorney Cecil Hilton dragged before the court on her 66th birthday in connection with that Blair shooting last week.

NASSAU| The pregnant widow of a man killed by police was yesterday granted $15,000 bail with two sureties on drugs and firearms charges.

Police arrested Kim Smith, 47, and three others shortly after killing her husband Tony Smith, 28, also known as Jamaal Penn, and two other men, during a raid on the home they occupied at Newgate Road, Blair Estates, on May 17.

The ownership of the home is in dispute and is the subject of a separate court hearing.

Smith, her son Shaquille Morley, 19, her aunt, Jane Hilton, the ex-wife of attorney Cecil Hilton, who turns 66 today, all of Newgate Road, and Fristina Wilson, 19, of Gregory Street, were arrested after police allegedly found 23.2 pounds of marijuana, with a wholesale street value of $23,200, a 9mm pistol, a .45 pistol and seven rounds of .45 ammunition inside the home.

Justice Renae McKay set bail on the condition that Smith reports to the Wulff Road Police Station on Tuesdays and Thursdays and wears an electronic monitoring device until she surrenders her passport to the court.

Christina Galanos appeared for Smith and Algernon Allen Jr. appeared for the DPP at the bail hearing, which was closed to the public.

After the bail hearing, police took Smith and Hilton before Justice Keith Thompson for a civil case regarding the possession of the house on Newgate Road.

Hilton’s ex-husband is seeking to have the court evict her and her niece from the premises.