Meet the Experienced, Global Minds like Mr. Felix Stubbs a Director at Investar


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FELIX STUBBS , MBE, D.H.L. – Director

NASSAU| Mr. Felix N. Stubbs, MBE, D.H.L., has been recognized in The Bahamas for his contribution to the commercial growth and economic progress of that country as well as for his involvement in community-building initiatives.

Felix is a former President and General Manager of IBM Bahamas Ltd, a position he held for over 32 years. He opted to take early retirement in 2014 so that he could devote more time to his Rotary obligations.

He is also a past president of The Bahamas Chamber of Commerce, a former Director of the Central Bank of The Bahamas, former Chairman and Director of the Grand Bahama Port Authority, a former Director and Committee Chair of Famguard Corporation and served s a director of the National Insurance Board on two separate occasions. As a result of his commitment to country and dedication to excellence, he has frequently been called upon to lend his commercial expertise and leadership skills in many other areas that would lead to the betterment of the Bahamian society at large.

Committed to the wholesome development of The Bahamas, Felix currently sits on several governmental, non-governmental, civic and charitable committees and helps to shape and implement strategic, policy, budgetary and fundraising plans.  He is currently the Chairman of the National Insurance Board(NIB). He is also the Chairman at the Bahamas Technical and Vocational Institute with the mandate to position the institution to help enhance the training of the future workforce of The Bahamas. He serves as  Chairman of the Salvation Army Advisory Board, Chairman of the One Eleuthera Foundation. Chairman of The Bahamas Feeding Network, on the Boards of Directors for the PACE Foundation, the Chance Foundation, and the Urban Renewal Foundation as well as on the Bahamas National Festival Commission, the Governor General Youth Awards Council and the Past President’s Advisory Council of The Bahamas Chamber of Commerce and Employers Confederation. He is a member of the Board of Directors of First Caribbean International Bank Bahamas Ltd and he also holds a similar role with CIBC Trust Company (Bahamas) Limited. Recently, he joined the Board of BAF Financial Ltd.

In 2014 he was appointed as Chairman of the National Development Plan Steering Committee, a Committee whose mandate is to create a 25-year strategic plan for the development of the Commonwealth of The Bahamas. That same year he was declared a Bahamian Icon when he was nominated for, and won, the Bahamian Icon Award in the field of Commerce.

In 2006 he was bestowed with the degree of Doctor of Humane Letters, an honorary doctorate, by the BWR Ministries & Seminary, Richmond, Virginia, USA.   In 1996 he was made a Member of The Most Excellent Order of The British Empire by Her Majesty, Queen Elizabeth II.

Felix is a passionate Rotarian and served as District Governor for D7020,consisting of 10 countries and 16 Islands in the Northern Caribbean, during the 2015/2016 Rotary year. He is married to Carla, also a Rotarian and a past president of the Rotary Club of Nassau Sunrise, and has 2 adult children.

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