The wallets of Alrae Ramsey and Blair John are missing. And investigators will try to recover data from a damaged mobile phone belonging to John

ITALY| As Italian police work to unlock the mystery of what unfolded between the evening of Friday, 31st May and Saturday, 1st June with two Bahamians Alrae Ramsey, 29, and Blair John, 28, in Turin, more is being done to break the case.
Our team confirms that investigators have already followed up on that “nickname” with which the reservation was made in the Mirafiori bed & breakfast apartment in Via La Loggia, not far from a conference where Ph.D student John presented.
As BP reported earlier on Saturday former athlete, Redmond Fraser, a Bahamian scientist from Saint John’s University and SAC where the pair went to school arranged reservations for the apartment. Fraser is a manager of a global giant in the field of feed, seeds and financial services for the agricultural world in Minneapolis, Minnesota. He, investigators now confirmed, provided the payment for the room for the men found dead in the Po River this past week.
We know both men were to leave Turin on Saturday June 1st, morning. They never left the area.

However, the biggest mystery concerns the suitcases of the victims, which were not found in the apartment in Via La Loggia. Those suitcases have been located in a dumpster which thickens the plot of this possible global murder scenario.
Bahamas Press is learning, though, while the suitcases were found, no discovery has been made of the men’s wallets and a cell phone has disappeared from the pockets of Ramsey.
The Austrian residence permit and the accommodation key for the room were found in the young diplomat’s clothes. John was still carrying his cell phone when his body was discovered, though it was badly damaged. Investigators are now attempting to recover information from the phone.
In arranging the autopsy, the magistrates Giulia Rizzo and Enzo Bucarelli gave a clear mandate for the legal teams of the detectives to go through all the investigative avenues: traces of alcohol, drugs and even poisons will therefore be sought.
BP’s investigative teams would now have to turn our attention to other national matters as this particular investigation has taken up considerable time for us to gather these facts. Global attention is now focused and when the autopsy come more will be discovered. We therefore will say farewell from this expensive and damn serious part in the world.
We report yinner decide!

You took that photo off he Instagram, lol… file photo. Your’e a bunch of hacks playing at investigative reporting.
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