Why did the Cabinet remove the Commodore of the Defence Force Tellis Bethel?

Captain Tellis Bethel, Commander Defence Force.

NASSAU| Has anyone figured out why the Cabinet of the Bahamas sent home the Commodore of the Royal Bahamas Defence Force Mr. Tellis Bethel yet?

Was it because his men could not “Navigate”? Was it over the shooting at Government House and the findings of the inquiry?

Perhaps it was over the smuggled items on a DEFENCE FORCE VESSEL taken by CUSTOMS?

Could it be over the disaster in the management of the RBDF troops in the aftermath of Hurricane Dorian?

Or was it that Marvin Dames just don’t like Defence Force Officers?

Why do yinner believe Tellis Bethel was sent home abruptly with a day’s notice this week? The Country should be Informed!!!!