Where is the outrage for the little darlings?


Rape__by_little_prettyNassau, Bahamas — When Hubert Ingraham stood on the floor of the Parliament and asked, “Where is the outrage in the society,” the PM was on to something. He referred to the sentencing of a man after raping a 5 year old. That assailant who violated the young child is perhaps out of jail by now.

Ingraham’s comments came during the appointment of a select committee to look into the Eight Mile Rock High School sexual molestations. Perry Christie you would remember never stood up and lend his voice to the debate. His lazy WUTLESS action on the issue troubled us. Christie records not one line in the history books on the issue and that’s just the beginning of a sad fact.

During that period the country was awakened again following the death of a 5 month old baby who police said at the time was molested by a relative.  Doctors later said the infant was not raped and an autopsy will be forthcoming to confirm the cause of death. The autopsy report never came and the case hushed.Christie junkanoo

And this is why we at BP will not rest until we get to the bottom of this recent episode following the attempted rape of a juvenile while she travelled to church on a 7A jitney in the heart of Kemp Road. BP is on this story, believe it or not and we will leave no stone unturned until the busing system in the Bahamas is reformed and that jitney driver bearing the license plate #78  is off the streets and in a court of law for kidnapping.

We are appalled by the fact that since the incident not one single officer of the country PAID BY THE PUBLIC has spoken to this issue and we ask why? Only one newspaper [The Nassau Guardian] saw the story as serious and has brought attention and public awareness following the incident. NOT ONE MP, NOT THE ROAD TRAFFIC DIRECTOR, NOT THE MINISTER, NOT THE MP FOR THE AREA WHERE THE INCIDENT OCCURRED, NOR HAS THE BAHAMAS CHRISTIAN COUNCIL SAID A DAMN WORD FOLLOWING THE INCIDENT; despite the fact that the young girl was headed to church!

hubert-jpgBahamians needs to know their PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION SYSTEM IS NOT WORKING! They are NOT SAFE and today CHILDREN ARE BEING RAPED and have gone missing while on route to school and home.

Bahamas Press is following this story and since our investigation we have now uncovered more serious issues plaguing the jitney system.

A young man who frequently uses the 15A told BP, “I was on a 15A and got robbed of my cell phone I had to escape by jumping through the window.”

In another story told to us, one person refused to give the robber on the bus his money and was stabbed we are told that the robber then jumped off the bus.Another source said “There is a bus that picks up GHS boys to rob people on the bus who the driver feels has money”.


  1. I mean what more you want Perry Christie to say, you want him to stand up and say I agree with Ingraham or rephrase what Ingraham said?… Its sad and wrong but you want everybody in the house to stand and say something?

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