Southland Church of God is headed to court against Bishop Moses Johnson as the COVID19 CRISIS stokes war inside the denomination!


BP SUNDAY SPECIAL| Look what Pharaoh has done to the CHURCH after closing dem down – WE TOLD YINNER THIS WILL HAPPEN!!! Church Leaders question what has happened with Hurricane Dorian Funds! WHERE IS THE ACCOUNTABILITY?

NASSAU| There is turmoil coming out of the community of the Southland Church of GOD tonight, which many believe could force the end of current Bishop Moses Johnson as the National Overseer. 

Now yall know BP lives in the church, and, well, in Southland Church of GOD, Pastor Bishop Goliath Burrows was fired by Bishop Johnson.

Since that axing, we understand HIS GRACE has assumed the controls as pastor of the church on Soldier Road where he has been handsomely paid for the past seven months.

But, according to documents now being prepared for the courts, no proper reconciliation has been done on the books for that time. This, we understand, is the centre and crux of the dispute.

Some have documented that, after the monies are collected following services, the Bishop vanishes out of the church faster than Olympian Usain Bolt.

Southland is one of the wealthiest branches of The Church of God. It was said to be one of the most solidly financed branches dating back to the days of the late great Bishop Clifford Moss, who presented the Gospel of Jesus as an anointed prince of the church! He was a servant leader!

We understand Bishop Johnson initially resisted the invitation to consider a new pastor stating, “I am the Administrative Bishop!” This is true, which leaves the thinking that he can do whatever he wants!

But this story gets sweeter by the minute. The Bishop has appointed someone at Southland who some suggest does not come with a good report. 

A faithful BP supporter tipped us off and told us that the interim Minister now over the church has swindled her out of $15,000.00 dollars, promising to pay her for equipment that was trusted. And as we get this report, more and more information continues to flow into BP about this interim Minister left to watch over the place.

Now members of Southland Church of God are now standing up against these bullying tactics by Bishop Johnson, taking the church and its leaders to court and getting an injunction in place banning them from entering the premises until the courts make a decision. Who knew this? Not even us in media!

On today, Holy Saturday, Bishop Johnson appeared overzealous at a meeting of senior pastors, with some even describing him as “possessed” by these developments, attempting to block other bishops from entering this meeting, and almost coming to blows.

One senior Bishop was also stripped of his post like Jesus before being crusified, and blocked from entering the Bishop’s meeting at the headquarters. Well what is this?

Anyway, BP warns Bishop Johnson and his entire church that the world and BP have now pointed our global satellite network toward these developments. Information is now coming to us by the minute as we put the question: WHAT HAS HAPPENED TO THE THOUSANDS OF DONATED FUNDS FROM HURRICANE DORIAN?

We particularly want to warn Bishop Johnson that “pride cometh before a fall”! 

Leaders must at all times pursue the things that make for peace. And leaders must remember that they are not LORDS but servants first!

Now we want every Bahamian to know that come this Wednesday The Church of God is going to court again, and – get this – The Southland members have hired the powerful Wayne Munroe QC to represent them. 

BP and its agents will be in court on Wednesday to see the outcome and all we ga say is this: pursue peace – or we ga tell yinner as we told yall when the churches were first closed by Pharaoh – THERE WILL BE WAR!

We report yinner decide!