There is war in the Ministry of Tourism


Here are the three empty heads that has overseen record-breaking  declines in Tourism. Former Tourism Minister, Obie Wilchcombe, centre, looks on as former Director General of Tourism Vincent Vanderpool Wallace – now minister [right] – hands over the baton to Vernice Walkine who assumes the post as Director General of Tourism at a Ministry of Tourism Promotions ceremony Monday, June 13, 2005 at the British Colonial Hilton. They are ALL WUTLESS!

Nassau, BahamasBahamas Press is confirming there is a war brewing in the office of the Ministry of Tourism [MOT] and the row is placing a strain on the country’s number one industry.

In a meeting with senior managers of the MOT on Wednesday it is reported that Vernice Walkine was just short from cussing out members of the management team telling them they don’t know what they are doing in the department.

One manager contacted BP and confirmed that the war is set to overthrow Walkine headlong out of the department.

“This woman BP came to Tourism with no prior knowledge in the tourism business. She had never worked in a hotel, never worked on any job that was tourism related. The only employment she has ever had was in the ministry and her time has expired here. She surrounded her top management team with all her friends hoping they would help her in the department, and now she wants to say managers have not a clue about the business? We built this department long before she came. She is the dunce in the room and as of today the war is set and the writing is on the wall, Vernice ‘Doll Baby’ Walkine ‘GATS’ TO GO,” an angry tourism official said.

Bahamas Press has also learned officials in the department are finally coming to grips with BP when we noted Tourism’s fast-talking Minister is another empty head sitting at the top.

BP, have you realize how Vanderpool-Wallace runs his mouth like the BP oil gushing into the ocean nonstop? Spewing toxic noxious fumes? The man can’t stop talking and the same time nothing is happening in the department. Thus far, he’s the worse minister we have had since Brent Symonette. He’s even more WUTLESS than Neko Grant and you know Neko has yet to see a sober day on the job. Tourist arrival numbers  have drastically declined under his watch. Business sectors in tourism, which once had steady growth have all collapsed. And just like double counting under Obie, the dilemma continues under Vincent ‘Oil Gusher’ Wallace.

“When a cruise passenger comes to the Bahamas at the Port of Nassau they are counted and when they stop on the private islands owned by the cruise lines in the same country they are counted again, just like the Pinewood election ballots. This is still going on and has yet to be corrected. The numbers of arrivals in the Bahamas are not true. These empty heads are running tourism into the ground and they ‘gats’ to GO,” the official said.

Wednesday’s meeting has left senior managers upset and confirming “the war is set” in the department. “Walkine has insulted us and we ga show her who is the dunce in the class,” the officer said. Stay tuned.