The 5,000 Chinese are Ingraham’s Babies


<<< Hubert Ingraham has ran the country into the ground like a Jungalist with a stolen credit card.

Nassau, Bahamas — We here at BP have been flooded with information in our trash bins, people all over this Country are sick and Tired of The Hubert “Mugabe” Ingraham led Government. We may have to call for a National Week of Prayer to pray for this Nation and its people. We are almost overwhelmed by the stories we hear and cannot report.

The middle class in this Country has been pauperized and the “oldest business in the World”, prostitution, is now the major employer in the Country.

Hubert Ingraham advised the Nation that in order for him to approve the Bahamar deal and allow the importation of over 5,000 Chinese workers, he needs the help of the PLP. He said they “Fathered the child and he was gynecologically unable to deliver that baby by himself.”

Well, Bahamas Press can state unequivocally, that Ingraham performed a late term abortion on the PLP’s baby and he and the FNM are the proud Fathers of the new Bahamar deal with the Chinese. His DNA proves that he is the PAPA.

It was Ingraham, who spooked Harrah’s to pull out of the deal with Bahamar based on his stupid and idiotic utterances, and we now publish the facts so that “all and sundry” may read for themselves.

Ingraham may very well be the “barefoot bandit” who robbed the Bahamian people of a chance at employment had the deal went through at that time. The Harrah’s people had “good and valid reasons” to pull out of the deal after the mindless, senseless utterances of Mugabe Ingraham.

He has no shame, he and the FNM are a band of shameless men and women.

We need Change Bahamas.

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  1. BP a round of applause;a standing ovation, you remain formiddable in bringing truth to the masses.I recall Mr. Ingraham emphatically stating his doubts that Harrah’s a world reknown casino resort having the capabilities or finances to fund such a project. Mr. Ingraham further stated he would not even consider the Cable Beach project until Harrah’s spend thier own monies bringing the hotel project off the ground. My people in 1992/3 Atlantis came to the Bahamas as an idea under Mr. Ingraham’s watch and monies were borrowed from our banks (BAHAMIANS’ MONEY) to start that project. What is the difference now Mr. Ingraham? Bahamians have not forgotten, stop playing poltics! The PLP meant well with this project and had your administration went ahead with it, the country would definitely not be in the crisis we are in today, it was all your bad management,and you stalled on it because it was an idea or goal by the former administration. Wise up Bahamas this government MUST GO, gone are the days of DICTATORSHIP Pindling style governance in which Mr. Ingraham was nurtured under.

  2. BP, since you have posted this story, the wutless Guardian had a story this morning with Obie Ferguson and the Toilet Paper had Dr. David Allen talking about teen prostitution. They do not have any news to report other than the police crime report that is sent to them. Keep it up BP. You trulyy is the Ap of the Bahamas. You have them creating spin and deflection.

  3. @MJ and the same thinkers:In this country,folks talk to much about “Christianity” this is an Adult content website, or if you have children that read BP,I suggest you hand pick what story to read.I am a proud Bahamian, and realy tire of this nonsense,a lot of folks so phony it’s Surreal.Glad to be a Pro Spiritualist, and Animist.

  4. Listen BP,
    I wholeheartedly agree with the comment that your picture of the woman on the bike is sexually explicit. Furthermore, I think your writing has degenerated into the rantings of a child with a major tantrum because he can’t get his own way. I refer to when you called C Maynard ‘a fat stupid idiot’- this is infantile language and if you want to insult someone, do it with finesse and then we will appreciate the subtility and cunning of your intellect. So next time you want to zap someone with a few choice words, ask yourself, ‘is this something my 10 year old would say, or a learned man?’ – which one are you, BP?
    Rise to the occasion BP, a nation, no the world,is watching!

  5. Shame on you Paradisefound, for not addressing the topic, and looking for a red herring or distraction from this story, even if a gal on the back of a bike with her rear widely shown offends you, the story of 5,000 working immigrants entering our borders should make you shake with terror, but you choose to be shaken by a women with her butt exposed, WOW!!!. Politics!!!!.

  6. I agree wholeheartedly with “MJ”

    BP regularly pratices false advertising… The picture wasnt taken in Bahamas… All you have to do is zoom in on the license plate and the big Mountain in the background, to realize this photo was taken in Jamaica!

    Shame on BP!

  7. this the FNM baby so take care of your child mrs PM . when the punch could the PLP leader a ass some one need to put them in there place the PLP take his wife from him or his dog

  8. BP, please stop putting such graphic and sexual photos on your front page. I read your website every single day and even when I disagree I enjoy reading what you write as an independent thinker in the Bahamian press. May I also appeal to your open embrace of Christianity to ask you to clean up your photos? I understand that sometimes there is a journalistic reason for referring to sexually explicit things but you do it gratuitously so often. What does that woman’s bare butt have to do with the political and economic implications of Mr. Ingraham’s decision? Nothing. To this day when you Google “Bahamas Press” a photo of two Bahamian children having sex (without their faces obscured) comes up. As a responsible member of the media you should refrain from doing that. Your site is already popular so you don’t have to appeal to the worst aspects of human nature to attract readers. I cannot open your site at work any more because I don’t know when a photo that looks like pornography will come up. I am not prudish or even religious but I do like news when I’m looking for news and if I want nudity I should have to look elsewhere. Thanks for considering my comment. Best regards.

    • It is never our intent to express things sexual, however, there are times when the message is best expressed in photos. The PM has taxed the country to its ends and today PROSTITUTION has become the country’s #1 employer. We are simply showing what is already seen on the streets of the country. Everywhere you go there is the advertisement of an explicit sale of sex. Walking billboards on every corner you turn. It is so bad guests are being followed to by peddlers for sex and it is so bad at Atlantis a particular caribbean country is exporting human sex objects.

      If you only know what we know you would run to the hills!


  9. BP, in my letter to the editor( that you posted on June 13, 2010, i tried to point to this very glaring issue that the Chinese getting into bed with Baha MAR was of PAPA’s doing.

    Papa is now trying to muddy the waters and divert the public from the fact that his hands are all over the Chinese coming to the country. thats why he wants the PLP to vote “YEA” in the HOA allowing for the 5,000 Chinese immigrants to be given legal working status in the country. He wants the PLP to share in the backlash as well.

    Let me repeat my 3 main points about Papa, the Chinese government and the Baha Mar deal in my letter to the editor on this topic:

    1. Baha Mar couldnt have come to terms with the Chinese government unless they had already gotten assurances from PAPA that the workers would be able to come into the country.

    2.The Chinese government is waiting on this issue to be resolved BEFROE they sign the contract. In other words, NO 5,000 chinese workers, NO money.

    3. Papa never admits or reveals in any of his statements regarding this issue that the Chinese government came to the forefront AFTER he ran off Harris. Papa talks as if the Chinese was the original partner when PC made the deal when they were not. The Chinese came in under his watch.

    Papa is intentioanlly misleading the public and its a shame that no one in the media is calling him out on it.

  10. The letter above, written by Mr.Atwood, is proof positive that Ingraham and the FNM government screwed up the Bah Mar deal with Harrahs. Now they had to turn to the devilish Chinese for financing. The price of Chinese money though, is too high for us to pay. The PLP’s deal with Bah Mar never included China so Ingraham you are on your own with China and those 5000 mongols they wish to send to take jobs from our Bahamian construction workers. We have enough Bahamians who can fill the needs at the project; we don’t need any foreigners at this time. There are enougn Bahamians out of work and available to work. Besides if the Bahamian contractors need to import any labour they can apply to the Immigration department to bring them in. Ingraham, I perceive that you have a huge problem The PLP opposes the admittance of any amount of chinese nationals coming here to work. We didn’t oppose the stadium because it was a gift from China and if they wanted to build it themselves then we had no issue with that but not this commercial project; no Sir.

  11. BP, Ingraham personally performed the abortion on the Harrah’s deal. Whrere are all of thos eFNMM idiots when faced with the glaring facts. I quess they on facebook talking rat droppings.I read Nicki Kelly in the Punch yesterday where she told them that BP is a major force in the Country. Keep flushing them out BP.

  12. Lets no forget the it was the Christie Administration that ‘hand picked’ a billionaire from Lyford Cay, with no major resort experience, over numerous other credible and experienced resort developers. He planted the seed, not Ingraham.

    • The point is mute. Bahamas Press exposes the facts how Ingraham chased away the partner of Bahmar and replaced it with the Chinese. Christie never sat with the Chinese. That is the point. Please lend sound argument to the point.

      Bahamas Press/Editor

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