Cable Bahamas ads win global award


Bahamas Press congratulates Cable Bahamas Ltd. on their winning a cable award in Washington DC, beating out cable companies in the United States. The ads display Bahamian cultural music and dance, featuring the work of musicians the late Joseph Spence and George Symonette. Congratulations from Bahamas Press!


  1. A couple of months back on the subject of BTC, I used Cable Bahamas as example of how privatization does not necessarily guarantee good service, I was torn to threads on this site.

    I state again, privatization does not guarantee good service, competition does!

  2. I too have enjoyed the ads depicted above. It would be interesting to know if ZNS is aware of the profesionalism in this aspect of Cable Bahamas. Kim: I wonder if C.B. will deduct 3 days fee from our billing? Not likely.

  3. Cable Bahamas should welcome any competition, because the way they are operating their business is contrary to professional standards. If we had another cable company to choose from I think they would be more compel to do better. As paying customers of Cable Bahamas, if they were going to interrupt our services for an hour, I don’t care what time of the day it is, they should informed us. They obvious don’t care how they inconvenience people. There is nothing wrong with them doing their upgrades, but when the procedures took longer than they had anticipated they should have kept us informed and not act as if they are doing their customers a favour. After 3 days without internet services and no apology and no idea as to when the problem will be resolved, I am praying for another Cable company or two for our country. Cable Bahamas as the one and only cable company in the Bahamas is a disgrace! Things like this are what discourage our visitors from returning to our country.

  4. Congratulations Cable Bahamas, National Dance School, Fred Ferguson and everyone invloved in making these ads. It’s been a very long time since we’ve seen this sort of refreshing and culturally entertaining advertisements and I hope this trend will continue.

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