Colina's 100,000 policyholders should be concern



Nassau, Bahamas: On Thursday around mid-day, Bahamas Press website was abruptly logged off the World Wide Web. We want to convey that there was nothing sinister here, as upgrades are necessary as we move forward in our publishing efforts. Bahamas Press apologizes for any inconvenience that occurred due to this upgrade.

As we noted before, your website is now attracting over 290,000 weekly readers. There are so many person who have become soo affectionate with this blog, that our server being down sparked some anger in many emails we received today. Let it be assured that we are committed to this cause. We are in it for the long haul. For us this connection to you and persons around the world is fulfilling the great void missing in The Bahamas. And us being so privilege to have you, sharing this message of TRUTH around the world breathes unspeakable choruses of THANK YOU! We assure you our readers that we will not fail in fulfilling this mission. For again it is you, the people, that have made Bahamas Press what it has become in The Bahamas and around the world.

Of course however some persons thought we had abdicated our responsibility, particularly after we forecast the now reported ‘BLOOD BATH’ at Colina, and our follow up story on Frank Smith delivering the goods to Parliament. Smith tabled custom documents confirming that someone has broken laws in this country.

Yes, we are ahead when it comes to breaking news in this town. So much so that newspapers and the general media appears to want to hide the fact that MILLIONS OF DOLLARS invested in Colina could be in jeopardy! Bahamas Press is doing the job the WUTLESS media in this country has failed to do.

The WUTLESS Tribune tried to bury the Colina story when they suggested in their 17th June edition (B1) that, the company is restructuring and that Mr. Monty Braithwaite had, “not been fired as some reports were suggesting.” They then concluded that he [Mr. Braithwaite] was going to complete what he was asked to do before he stepped down. Now what is interesting here is that just above that statement the headline of the article read, “Alexiou takes helm at ColinaImperial.”?

Bahamas Press wonders if the Wutless Tribune wishes for us to EXPOSE the story of COLINA AND TRIBGUARDIAN’s marriage in a bed of WICKED DECEPTION to control media in The Bahamas. One day we will tell that story, however in the meantime Bahamas Press wishes to tell the WUTLESS Tribune to pay the loan they owe Colina and then try get their WUTLESS newspaper out of the giant’s hand.

The Tribune need not explain anything about reports at COLINA, because they never broke the story, we did. We saw Braithwaite’s letter, which was delivered to him by Terry Hilts Chairman of COLINA, 19 HOURS before he saw it. And why interview Braithwaite and yet make NOT a SINGLE mention of the FIRINGS of the management team, nor the 21 additional persons that receive dismissals letters as well on Thursday? Including Ms Richenda King, Human Resource Manager for Colinalmperial and Dashwell Flowers, VP of Sales.

Again Bahamas Press warns the 100,000 policyholders and companies with pension funds to take a SERIOUS NOTE at these events and LOOK AGAIN, at this collapsing insurance giant!


  1. I am a new reader of BP; thanks to my sister (Quiche). I am thorougly impressed with the reporting as I found it to be extremely detailed, honest and that it asks the questions the public wants to know.

    Thank-you so much Bahamas Press, you have won me over.

  2. I am new reader of BP; thanks to my sister (Quiche). I am thorougly impressed with the reporting as I found it to be extremely detailed, honest and that it asks the questions the public wants to know.

    Thank-you so much Bahamas Press, you have won me over.

  3. Somewhere out there, probably sitting on a boat in the harbour, Jimmy Campbell is taking a sip of nice vintage wine, looking at the sunset and thinking to himself….”Motherf******!”

    I hope he got all of the $12 million they owed him.

  4. You guys had your committed readers fearing that you had been SHUTDOWN this morning after all those breaking stories, I must have checked BahamasPress about 6 times this morning. I’m an avid reader who checks your blog BP morning and night, so keep giving us an avenue for getting breaking Bahamian news that the WUTLESS media suppresses.


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