Client fell dead in Royal Bank downtown Nassau



A client fell dead in Royal Bank branch downtown Nassau. BP’s investigators are en route to the scene. BP has learn the individual is an elderly gentleman, drop down in the bank just minutes ago. Police and EMS services are also racing to the scene as we write.


  1. It is my understanding that the good gentleman was in the foyer of the Royal Bank the area of the ATM. He was in plain sight of those well-dressed employees, with perfect toned flourish make-up and holding their hand bags, but none of them took the time to notice the man’s composure. They probably did not even say, ‘Good Morning”, rather just a whisper of words. Someone should have given him a chair to sit while the bank doors open or even invited him in at the available chairs to the back. Whatever happened to brotherly love, respecting and caring for our elderly and sick. Lat week I visited this same branch and observed a man with visible disabilities standing in line with the use of a cane. I got the attention of a RBC employee and she said the 60 plus line is available, but she did not invite the him of the line. Where has the ‘customer service and client relations” gone…are we all caught up in the business mentality that we neglect brotherly love. My heartfelt sympathy goes out to the elderly man’s family and may his soul rest in peace.

  2. Sorry to hear about the death but RBC need to do better there are no drinking water in any of their branches and the lines are always long. The senior citizen lines move like molasses and nobody cares

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