"The Fat Lady" Gears Up to Sing as Hubert Kills Tommy's Political Career…Coming This Sunday on Bahamas Press


Click to watch this Movie Trailer: tommy.mov

Many Bahamians watch in awe as PM Hubert Ingraham sets up his Minister of National Security for a massive political down fall. What they cant understand is why Tommy Turnquest, a seemingly, bright and intelligent young man, has chosen to go along with this Mugabe styled dictator on a trip geared towards his political demise…Stay tune….


  1. Well it is obvious you only saw the sound bite and did not view the video clip. The fact is, the sound bite is in the public domain. We can careless who’s voice it is, look and listen to what is said by those people, then come back on here and read what we have to say about TOMMY in his ministry and why Hubert placed him there.

    Bahamas Press/ Editor

  2. You guys can’t be serious about not being mistaken for PLPs when this trailer was a PLP ad used during the campaign. Isn’t that Scott’s voice in the opening?

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