The Tiny Shop 'The Back to School Centre' CLOSED?



If no one believes that things are bad in The Bahamas, one should just look at this latest story. The Tiny Shop is now officially closed! The tough economic time has pushed a fixture on the Bahamian commercial scene to finally close their doors. The results of a slowing economy and the policies of a BAD Ingraham GOVERNMENT. One store owner in the area noted when asked about the store being closed said, “even if they wanted to stay open, the last tax increases on DUTY by the Ingraham government would have killed them out of business anyway!”

The noose placed around the Bahamian people neck by its WUTLESS ELECTED OFFICIALS is tightening. Tied with huge foreign debt, high taxation, contract cancellations, and government workers being terminated are the latest policy practices of HUBERT ALEXNDER INGRAHAM ON THE BAHAMIAN PEOPLE!

Policies that will result in the Bahamian UNBORN TO BE FETTERED WITH IRON SHACKLES AND A TIGHTEN NOOSE WHILST STILL IN THE WOMB! With the careless, wasteful borrowing of millions from the IMF and world banks, HUBERT INGRAHAM will leave those young Bahamians neck deep enslaved in foreign debt! Bahamians look hard at your children and ask your yourself, if that is what you want for your children and grandchildren.


Again the Tiny Shop at the foot of Third Terrace East in Centreville is CLOSED, and more workers are kicked out of work onto the streets! WE SEE BOATS LEAVING THE BAHAMAS, HOWEVER THIS TIME BAHAMIANS ARE ON THOSE unseaworthy VESSELS HEADED NORTH!


  1. School me guys!! School me!

    The one thing I agree with here is Mr. Bahamas saying both the FNM and PLP are full of crap!! No argument here! I am now being proactive and planning my statements to campaigners for 2012 elections. “Dey coming out da woodwork just like worm…..yada yada”…I plan on buying a pitbull just for FNM and PLP campaigners. ALL will be mercilessly RAN from my front door.

  2. I agree with the above, stop trying to push your lame A@# political agenda. Stores come an go, and what worked 40-50 years ago, is not going to work today with all the technology around and online shopping. I wouldn’t be surprised if more Mom & Pap businesses don’t close down. We need to rethink the way we do thing and stop blaming the GOVERNMENT and there various policies. And that’s both the FNM & PLP. Because all full of CRAP.

  3. You guys and girl try to make a gossip story out of everything. I have to agree with Thomas. Tiny Shop closing has nothing to do with economy. Its all about change of the time. All Palmdale and Bay Street stores are having trouble. They are the old time stores where no one shops anymore and Costrite, Kellys and Multi Discount have all all defeated the old Tiny Shop, Russells and KS Moses stores. People are heading to the malls where shopping is a pleasure, more entertaining and prices and parking are better. The Tiny Shop and others have failed to re-structure themselves so they became stale. When last you hear about a baby shower selection at the Tiny Shop? Don’t blame the economy for this one.

  4. Stores come and go…people are shopping online. There will be no need for certain stores in the future. Bay Street needs to become high end residences, restaurants and an entertainment centre to remain relevant….

  5. This shop has been around from everyone can remember. Its a shame that it has to close down. Tough economic times are ahead….I scared.

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