Where are all the tourist in Grand Bahama?


Hubert Ingraham promised the people of Grand Bahamians it will be “BETTER NOW, and BETTER TO COME!” He told them, “You AND TRUST US.” But when we came across this video taken in the Our Lucaya area we wondered have this young man GONE CRAZY AS WELL? The band is no more, the tourists have dried up, the vendors have packed up their straw and news coming to Bahamas Press suggests that a decision to close the hotel is pending. But this performer sure having a blast entertaining himself!

Prime Minister Ingraham says he will meet the press this Sunday, well yall know what that means right? MORE LAYOFFS, brace yourself for the news!


  1. GB really needs to get focused on the port and the free trade zone. Properly marketed with a public plan to invite multi national companies is needed. The government needs to be more cooperative in order to attract multi-national companies. This is the immediate future of Freeport and needs to be run properly, marketed properly.

  2. These days Hubert singing a different song, “WORSE NOW, and WORSE TO COME!” I have never seen a more pessimistic Prime Minister in my lifetime. The speech he did put a lot of people in a deep stage of depression. I know Sandilands have their hands full after that speech.

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