What election will they STEAL NOW?



Hubert Ingraham (L), Errol Bethel (C) and Perry Christie the worse of all,  election secrets UNCOVERED ON Bahamas Press.

Nassau, Bahamas: Many individuals in the leadership of PLP are not concerned about the results coming from the election court, because what many in the high command of the party know about election in the Bahamas, many at the bottom of the party don’t. That is, the PLP has practised election FRAUD MAKING for many, many years.

It was practised in the PLP from as early as in the 1972 general elections and in EVERY successive election ever since the party ruled the government of the Bahamas. The leadership in the PLP are also not surprise that ballots, hundred of them, had to be thrown out by the election court. Who remembers on the morning of Election Day, May 2, 2007, when the story broke of how a senior member of the PLP was caught RED HANDED with thousands of printed ballots. The excuse given was that they were printed for election training. TRAINING? YEAH RIGHT! The ballots were printed at a print facility in the downtown area.

Christie then never said a word, nor did he ever attempted clarify as to what that senior member of his party was about to do on election day, with thousands of printed ballots in hand. We all know what he was about to do, STEAL AN ELECTION!

Christie NOT INGRAHAM failed to have the boundary report done in the time CONSTITUTIONALLY ALLOTTED. Nor did Christie use good judgment with of his 30 plus in the Parliament to realize that it was impossible to have perfection in reassigning THOUSANDS of voter cards after his “LATE AGAIN” boundary shuffle.

PLPs reading this blog must accept that it was CHRISTIE not Ingraham who cut that boundary right in his private home, where only him and a hand full of his cronies, shot themselves in the foot. In the end Hubert was the victor. And guess what, the PLP would allow their LATE AGAIN trickster to lead them into another defeat whenever an election is called. SO be it!

Then there is Hubert Ingraham’s record with this election thing. We must say it is not bad as Christie’s record. Ingraham did call the election early on time in 1997 and 2002. Ingraham did allow the boundary commission to do their work within its constitutional time frame. And when Ingraham was Prime Minister, we know not of any illegal ballots being printed during those election periods. But we did notice something sinister with Ingraham. There was an incident under Ingraham’s watch, where in West End officers had removed the ballot box without any member of the Parliamentary Registrar escorting it, but it was returned.

We also noticed something unusual during the May 2, 2007 general elections. The FNM rallies included interpreters on their podium explaining the process for voting in the Bahamas in CREOLE. Now that was interesting as it is abundantly clear that there is no citizen in this country, NO HAITIAN BORN Citizen for that matter who have a right to vote in an election, to need interpretation of the voting process in Creole. But there were incidents and one in particular Bahamas Press is aware of, where a woman (A Haitian Immigrant) who had just come to the Bahamas in 2004, and was in possession of a 2007 Bahamian voter card.

Mary (identity withheld) told Bahamas Press that she paid $1,500 for her card. Speaking in her broken English tongue Mary said, “I buy dat from man who work for government. He tell me I pay for dat and then I can go to the bank and do my business in Bahamas.

“And so when election time come I went to voting as they tell me, man in red shirt, I have to go voting now and so I vote for dat,” she said.

Bahamas Press was in no way surprise about this information it had become the tune of the election court proceeding in the Pinewood challenge, when a Jamaican born by the surname of Taylor, was recorded to have in his possession two voters cards. With all this, Bahamians must be concerned with their election process and the men who deal an evil hand corrupting the process.

Hubert Ingraham recently called for the removal of the use of indelible ink, a call that we found INTERESTING. Because if persons are voting illegally with the ink, CAN YOU IMAGINE WHAT THEY WOULD DO WITHOUT IT? But here is the kicker, it was Ingraham’s FNM [before coming to power in 1991] who called for the use of indelible ink to be instituted during election in the Bahamas. The FNM pushed for the INK after years of Pindling rule at the time, raised suspicion of corruption during the process. But now the same leadership of the FNM that has called for TRANSPARENCY and ACCOUNTABILITY in government is echoing for a retreat. Hubert NEVER AMAZES US, and we know why he might be having second thoughts about indelible ink.

Then there is Errol Bethel, the man at the centre of all this BLATANT CORRUPTION in the voting process. Ingraham says nothing is wrong with the voting process, and Christie says not a word about removing Bethel, despite all what we now know.

Bethel has overseen a corrupt department that issues more than one card to Bahamians and foreigners alike. Bethel’s department oversaw the corrupt process of elections in local government this year, where a minister resigned and HUBERT said, “WHERE MANY FLAWS OCCURRED…” And Bethel knows it is under his watch the process was flawed and the election court judges confirmed the same.

But why would Christie and Ingraham not call for changes at the head of the department that governs election? Well, both Christie and Ingraham know they both can work with a public servant who does just what they tell him to do.

Our solution to all this, GET RID OF CHRISTIE AND INGRAHAM and watch the winds of change circle around the Bahamas. Watch and see how better our country would build in democracy. Watch and see how BETTER we would have it in the Bahamas, when we rid ourselves of these JOKERS!



  1. And so are we. I took exception to the comment that we where you asked if Christie was being blamed for the local government election. The article is to confirm Bethel is part of the problem and equally responsible are the to PMs.


  2. so we will continually have botched elections,
    as with everything in this country, poorly run, poorly managed, no disipline, no respect for the rule of law, dirty infrasture, poorly socialiazed boys and girls, illegal immigrants running amok,leaders with no vision, boy, we are in a mess

  3. Well hold on ronica7, We did say Errol Bethel is at the centre of all this, but he is used as a puppet as those two.

    We are only laying out the fact here ya know? So what we said in this is NOT TRUE?


    PS: And you a avoiding the bigger answer to your question, you should ask, WHO APPOINTS THE PARLIAMENTARY REGISTRAR GENERAL????????? WHO, last we checked that responsibility was in the PM hands. He appointed Bethel and refuse to remove him. The PM has that power! The PM removed Paul Farquarson, he removed John Rolle, he just removed the head of the immigration department, but why did he say Errol Bethel is doing a good job when we all know it isn’t?

    Sometimes Ronica7 i wonder if you guys read these post before you make your comments.

  4. so what blames does the parliamentary secretary share in this. the blame should be placed squarely at his feet, due diligence was not done. no matter who was the government is/was at the time. the prime mister, ingraham or christie, or pindling, is not to be blamed but rather the parliamentary head.

    no prime minister was present when illegal immigrants came to register, no one but those civil servants who are corrupt, or those who do not do due diligence . it is time in this country for slack civil servants to be maade to pay

    who is to be blamed for the botced local government elections? is it still christie? gimme a break, and have errol bethel removed

  5. It overwhelms me to see others joining in the chorus for electoral reforms in our corrupt Bahamas. All comments and suggestions posted on this topic as far, I have voiced during my twelve-year struggle for a secret untraceable vote for the Bahamian eletrioc. All must know. If we have reforms, new leaders and politicians, it will all be for naught if we don’t have the untraceable ballot. Think about it.

  6. Now we intentionally left this out of the article an important piece, thinking someone would remember. However, knowing the Bahamas we forgot, something that was said three days ago is quickly forgotten by locals.

    The Bahamian Parliament suspended after the 1992 general elections the PUBLISHING of THE LIST OF REGISTERED VOTERS. Some smarty (HUBERT INGRAHAM) thought this idea up after he defeated Pindling.

    Amazingly, members of the WUTLESS MEDIA had so much red bloodshot veins in their eyes, they said not a word about the change. [Even though it worth thousand of dollars in printing for them.]

    Our guess is that the PLP thought it would help them in their election FRAUD tactics. But who has suffered because of that WUTLESS decision, WE THE PEOPLE!

    Now Today, we don’t know who in the hell is on the register and that is why even the dead are holding voter cards and cast ballots on May 2nd, 2007.

    With all these bright, intelligent students of Constitutional Law in this country, how is it NOT A WORD, NOT A challenge by any came, when they saw TRANSPARENCY eroded away by MUGABE in their election process. WHAT A DISGRACE! Again here is something that makes you go HMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM!

    Bahamas Press/ Editor

    PS: So who stop publishing the VOTER’s LIST? The Same man who said, “YOU CAN TRUST US” and rallied saying, “SIMPLY THE BEST” HUBERT INGRAHAM!

  7. In any other democratic country, the person caught with the training?? ballots would be cooling his heels in a 6×6 cell. The, then leader, would have resigned in disgrace and the rest of the party would still be hanging their heads in shame and keeping their mouths shut.

  8. I waited on that ground breaking, shocking information only to hear what we already know.

    Christie was the man in charge, he can’t blame anyone but himself.

    I would strongly suggest to the government that instead of registering every five years, one should only have to do this once and be verified for change of addresses, surname changes etc.

    Bethel and his staff should take the time after every election to throughly cleanse and keep the register current ensuring that everyone on it is Bahamian. By the time the next election roll around there should be very little work to do.

    Instead of that mad influx every five years, once you have turned 18 you should be able to register. This would give the Parliamentary Registration Dept sufficient time to ensure that each applicant is eligible to vote and investigate anyone they deem suspicious.

    The only thing they should be sweating about just before elections is the transfers of voters to new areas, name changes and the boundry cuts.

    Work along with the Registra Dept and remove all deceased persons once a death certificate is issued. It is time for our Govt Depts to network and share information.

    The country only has about 350,000 persons, four years should be more than enough time to sort this mess out.

    By the way, I wonder what the Parliamentary staff does once election is over?

  9. Well if the rest of the media were worth their salt they would have been reminding him of that since yesterday! Today, they would have been calling for him to resign.

  10. Ahhhhh you remember that too ech JOE. Christie in fact said at the time, with the possibility of the election over turning, that is would not be good for him to resign. SO NOW all three failed, WHAT NOW? Christie should resign, it is NEVER TOO LATE FOR HIM TO DO THAT!

    Or as we said on here before, THEY WILL LOSE a 2012 election as LONG AS HE IS OPPOSITION LEADER!

    Bahamas Press/Editor

  11. By Joe on Dec 12, 2008 | Reply

    JR, Christie was advised of what could happen, he being his usual do nothing self, did nothing. He changed the boundaries at the last minute and called election when he was already losing. I don’t care who cheated he was in charge, he created mass confusion with registration,he got to take the blame. As far as cheating all of them do a bit of it they just got beat at their own game. If he wasn’t such a last minute person, he might still be PM.
    Thanks BP, I posted the above earlier. Christie should resign post haste! He lost his last chance yesterday. Didn’t he say somewhere that he was only awaiting the outcome of the cases?

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