Davis Suggests Ingraham’s Surrogates are Suffering from the Malady known as “Murder in the Cathedral Syndrome”!


Nassau, BahamasPhilip Brave Davis minced no words as he went on the attack against the 51% sale of BTC to Cable and Wireless.

Clearing up the misconceptions cast by the WUTLESS FREE NATIONAL MOVEMENT government, Deputy Leader of the PLP, Davis, stared as a guest on the Sawyer Report aired on ZNS.

The PLP strongman made revelations of countless untruths told by the FNM to the Bahamian people.

Davis expressed his disappointment with the Ingraham administration describing the plot by the FNM to sell 51% of BTC as like, “Murder in the Cathedral”.

The Cat Island Rum Cay and San Salvador MP castigated Ingraham’s BTC Privatization Committee headed by T. Basil Donaldson; calling the working group “surrogates” who were set to deliver the bidding of their King.

Davis reminded the national audience that country is not interested in the past and what could have possibly been in the sale of BTC by a former administration. He pointed to the fact that the FNM holds the decision at a time when stakeholders in the Corporation are not welcomed to the details.

Davis also presented names of the former BTC bidder Bluewater, a group that Ingraham lied and said he did not know existed, yet, his [Ingraham] government paid some $1.9 Million of wasted taxpayers funds, to chase the group from around the table.

The PLP deputy leader also presented a series of questions, which have since surfaced in the sale. Davis also questioned the local representative for C&W who previously served on the BTC board at the behest of Hubert Ingraham. He asked how did C&W get to the table as he pressed the “Sunshine Government” to table the Memorandum of Understanding; a document not even discussed by C&W.

Who is collecting a said 3% finder’s fee for the sale of BTC? Davis asked as he further expressed his disappointment in Ingraham, who has gone on record belittling the professionals at BTC.

Davis reminded the national audience that it was Hubert Ingraham, who in the 1990s, when talks of Privatization first began, stated that Cable and Wireless need not come to the table. Davis asked, “What has transpired since then….?”

Unions on the other hand are at a tipping point over the sale and a national strike could be imminent.


  1. the PLP really suck. Cabinet approved the BTC deal and they couldn’t find the time to sign it? Couldn’t sign the Bahamar deal, couldn’t sign the straw market deal, the stadium was a full package not costing a penny and they couldn’t get that started?

    • The fact is Davis never ran and hid from his involvement as the legal rep. for Bluewater. What I find disturbing and DISHONEST is the fact that INGRAHAM, HIS MINISTER TOMMY, Donaldson, Francis nor Brown none could answer the question; WHO IN THE FNM IS COLLECTING THE 3% FINDER’s FEE IN THE SALE OF BTC?





  2. Media, I think you and Seer were on the same point you know. He’s saying that Hubert and C&W won’t disclose the MOU because the only thing on it is the signatures. They will put in the details after they see what the public reaction is.

    My only issue with Brave on Jerome’s show was he took a while to get to the dirt. Don’t run from the Blue Water talk because once he got past that, it was all down hill for Jerome, who I believe still trying to suck up to make sure he have a job after elections. Don’t worry Jerome, Papa opened the airwaves. One of them will hire you.

  3. The most essential things to us as a people are produced, procured, or provided from outside of the Country. Food, shelter, defence, medicine,fuel, I could go on and on. Please people, open your minds and stop posting fally.

    Like the great leader papa has declared, they wanted it for themselves, and the employees want to continue getting greased. All good things end, and the end is neigh…like it or lump it, to quote PGC..

  4. What I wonder from its is this; Why is the FNM so secretive with the SWEETHEART DEAL? WHos is getting the 3% finder’s fee and who is Sharon Brown?


    • The question is media.
      Is there really a Memo of Understanding?
      Does it Exist?
      Maybe that’s why Mr. Shaw could not divulge any information about it…. nor can the Government.
      Is it quite possible that this Memo of Understanding be a ‘red herring’ on BTC for Public Opinion?
      Until this Memo is revealed no one will know for sure….it’s an ACE card the Government holds in their hand in a ‘risky’ Poker Game!!!!

      • Oh seer OPEN YOUR EYE and unclog your ear. Didn’t you hear the Cabinet office read in a press statement we broke here first that the Government has signed a memorandum of understanding between themselves and C&W? The Ingraham government say they signed one and issued a press statement on that fact. That aside are you now suggesting the Ingraham government LIED AGAIN?



  5. I love the internet! I watching over and over and what I get is the only reason Bluewater never got BTC was because Perry Christie didn’t sign the document….

  6. Digicel; Jamaica’s most successful company
    Jan 29th, 2009 by Jaylar 3 comments
    An Irish Company, arriving in Jamaica in 2001 has become the most beloved corporate citizen.

    Unknown, untried, Digicel, a new Irish Company, grew
    from 0 to 100,000 customers in less than 100 days.

    Within one year, it was the market leader in mobile
    phone service, within two years, the most successful
    and beloved company in Jamaica.

    From Jamaica, Digicel expanded into Caribbean territories,
    from Haiti to Barbados, and now into the Pacific.

    The incredible success of Digicel is due to the
    incredible failure of Cable & Wireless.

    It is due to the perfect reading of the Market,
    the Culture and experience of Jamaicans.


    Jamaica, as many small nations, had its utilities
    owned by the government. The Jamaica Telephone
    Company existed until shortly after 1988.

    It offered flat rates to businesses and private homes.

    That one could apply for a telephone when they were
    pregnant and receive it when the child was fifteen
    years old was the standard service.

    That no Internet was provided, that cell phones had
    not as yet reached the Island, was off set by the
    low rates.

    After Gilbert Hurricane, a clever machination to fool
    the population into making the company ‘public’ was

    It was a trick designed to reap incredible profits
    for the kind of robber barons who make Jay Gould
    look like an amateur.

    As bad as the Jamaican Telephone Company was, no one
    could have imagined how much worse Telecommunications
    of Jamaica, (a front for Cable & Wireless of the U.K.)
    would be.

    No one could have predicted that inter-Parish long distance
    rates would be implemented on an island about the size of
    Manhattan, that cell phone service would be unbelievable
    expensive and remarkably poor, or that Internet would be
    limited, and not introduced until 1995.

    If one attempted to create the worst possible corporate
    citizen, Cable & Wireless would exceed all boundaries.

    As bad as the service, the costs, the attitude of Cable
    & Wireless, the fact its attorney was hired by government
    to write The Telecommunications Act (1994) which would
    YET for the next FIFTY YEARS, moved it into realms
    ‘no capitalist had gone before.’

    Fortunately for Jamaica, there were enough ‘geeks’ to
    influence the government, have the ‘Act’ abandoned,
    and open the market to competition.

    Enter Competition

    Where other companies hesitated, an Irish Company,
    to be known as Digicel, did not.

    Expecting to gain three hundred thousand subscribers,
    the profit line was set.

    More expensive per minute than C&W, but charging
    by the second, offering ten times the coverage of
    C&W, Digicel virtually sold off all its handsets within
    a day at the smaller outlets, within a week at others.

    Beginning in April 2001, by August it had surpassed
    C&W’s mobile market share, and kept growing.

    Another competitor never seemed to be able to get out
    of the starting gate, morphing through different owners
    and names, finally, becoming Claro in 2008.

    What prompted the rush to Digicel was the hatred people
    had for C&W. Whatever company that was NCW
    (not C&W) would gain the market share.

    Trying to offer cheaper features, give aways, even
    changing its name, can not save C&W.

    Everything about it, from its history to its current
    management structure, has made it the most hated
    company in Jamaica.

    Considering the Jamaica Public Service Company and
    National Water Commission, (monopolies) to retain
    the number one position in opprobrium says quite a
    bit about C&W.

    Bigger Better Network?

    Digicel is a ‘dry weather’ network. As soon as there is
    a storm, there is no service. One does not need a Cat 4
    Hurricane, Tropical Storm Gustav took down Digicel’s
    service for two days. C&W and Claro weathered well.

    C&W confronted Ivan and Dean, never losing service
    despite the devastation those two hurricanes caused.

    Digicel went out at the onset of Ivan and did not return
    in some sections for about four days. Digicel failed
    during Dean.

    Lime (the new name of C&W) and Claro have not had the
    business acumen to capitalise on Digicel’s weakness and
    despite blandishments have not taken a role in the various
    disaster preparedness organisations.

    The cost of using Digicel is artificially high. It was
    calculated on the belief that there would be no more
    than 300 thousand customers, not 1.9 Million, nor
    that it would have 70% of the Mobile Market.

    No reexamination of costs per call from the network
    intra or extra has been accomplished.

    Contributing to sports, to disaster preparedness, to
    numerous causes, Digicel is the most beloved company
    in Jamaica.

    Its foray into Haiti has been phenomenal, within one
    year they reaching 6.5 Million subscribers.

    How Do they Do It?

    Digicel recognises the sentiment of the people. Whether
    they have expert anthropologists on their payroll, or
    psychics on tap, they have hit their markets spot on.

    Knowing how much Jamaica hated its telecoms provider,
    knowing any company not C&W would succeed, they jumped
    into the market with the simplest method of deployment.

    Buy a phone, get a sim chip and calling minutes in one
    easy step, (unlike the torturous route adopted by C&W
    until the advent of Digicel).

    Give away $100 ‘free’ credit on the first purchase of time
    for the month, making the population believe it gets
    something for nothing.

    Charging more per call than its competitors satisfied
    that aspect of the Jamaican character where one might
    live in a shack but wear new name brand sneakers.

    The only thing Digicel was unprepared for was the extent
    of the hatred the population had for C&W which is why
    they were unprepared for the demand at inception.

    Digicel maintains its customers by avoiding the sobriquet
    of being ‘mean’. Usually when one calls to complain they
    get free credits. If it is a more major problem, they will
    get a free handset or some other benefit.

    Being treated as a person by Digicel, contra the attitude
    of C&W makes the fact that it is a dry weather network
    pale. As neither of the competitors have capitalised on
    that very real failing, Digicel continues to be an amazingly
    successful venture.

    Read more: http://www.bukisa.com/articles/28446_digicel-jamaicas-most-successful-company#ixzz18VtEjJLO

  7. The Most Hated Company
    Oct 18th, 2010 by Jaylar
    How Cable & Wireless became so despised it had to change its name to Lime

    Up until 1988 Jamaica had its own telephone company. The Jamaica Telephone Company, JTC, was a statutory body, and the only telecommunications company in Jamaica.

    It was a monopoly, it was state run, and the service was as any other governmental agency; however, the prices were excellent; a flat rate per month, and Kingston numbers were five digits; so one didn’t have to dial 92, one would simple go ahead and dial 37347.

    When Hurricane Gilbert hit, it took down the phone lines, and the vultures descended.

    Via the most corrupt slieght of hand, the Jamaican Telephone Company suddenly became a ‘public’ company offering shares. That British Cable & Wireless had invested xyz millions into getting telephone service back up seemed not to be noticable, although many people wondered who was paying for this.

    Suddenly, JTC became a public share offering company, and people bought shares. However, the vast bulk was purchased by C & W of England through a proxy. Within less than a year Jamaica lost its telephone company and a UK based one now controlled.

    Essential industries should never be controlled by foreigners. In many countries it is law, and those owned by foreigners are nationalised. Simply but, how could any rational being entrust an essential service to a foreign country?

    C & W, operating as Telecommunications of Jamaica, decided to wring as much money out of the public as it could. Suddenly, on an island slightly larger than Manhattan there were long distance calls from one Parish to another.

    Of course, the long distance call was expensive, but then costs went up across the board. Gone were the flat rates, gone were all the statutory protections. TOJ did what it pleased, when it pleased, how it pleased, and made mega-profits.

    TOJ wasn’t interested in the Internet. So Jamaica was left out of the world wide web. TOJ wasn’t interested in cell phones, so Jamaica, a ninety minute flight from Miami had no cell service.

    When cell service arrived it was; Pay $4000 for a cell phone. Pay $4000 to have it ‘activated’. Pay #4000 in advance for calls. When one had spent $3800 the cell phone ceased to operate, and another sum in advance needed to be paid.

    Cell service, however, was only extended to 5% of the island; in short, the same places that had landlines would have cell service, and the places that had no land line phone did not.

    By 1995 Cable & Wireless ceased to hide behind it’s mask of Telecommunications of Jamaica and came out of the closet. It now decided to offer a very expensive and limited Internet Service. To get customers it offered this service ‘free’ save one had to pay for the telephone time, as it was ‘dial-up’.

    The ‘free’ service went from April to November, then the charges came in.

    C & W claimed that a particular cable cost $22,000 US dollars, when it actually cost $2,000.

    A law was drafted, calling itself the ‘Telecommunications Act of 1994’. since its passage was considered a ‘done deal’. The Act gave C & W the rights to all forms of communication, including those not yet invented.

    Fortunately for Jamaica there were enough geeks to prevent its passage, the election of a more fey Minister and the end of C & W’s monopoly.

    In 2001 when Digicel arrived in Jamaica, everyone lined up for its cell service. They didn’t know what it was, how much it would cost but any company NOT C& W would get the customers. Digicel wound up with more than 3x the customers of C & W in less than a year and has continued to be the Market Leader.

    Between 2001 and 2010 C & W has declined to such extent, that outside of government offices and major businesses, few people use their services for landlines. Homeowners will use the Flow service, where they can get Internet, Cable and land line, (with free overseas calling). The only thing that stops Flow from completely taking over is the limitations on their coverage.

    Aware that people were calling C & W “Careless and Worthless” they sought to fool the public by a change of name to Lime. Some people call it ‘Lame’ others ‘Slime’ and they can’t even give their service away.

    Although up until 2008 they had offered a relatively cheap GPRS service, their innate stupidity and greed caused them to alter the offering so that it was dropped.

    C & W is the best example of how not to do business.

    Read more: http://www.bukisa.com/articles/376703_the-most-hated-company#ixzz18Vqrs7ak

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