Millions in contracts leave treasury as Election nears

The Hon. Neko C. Grant, Minister of Public Works and Transport (2nd from left) signs a contract for reconstruction of the dock in Hatchet Bay, Eleuthera on March 14. Also shown from left: Colin Higgs, permanent secretary; Austin Knowles, contractor and the Hon. Alvin Smith, MP for Eleuthera. (BIS photo/Patrick Hanna)

Eleuthera, The Bahamas – The signing of a contract for the reconstruction of the dock in Hatchet Bay will bring “relief” to the residents of that Family Island Public Works and Transport Minister the Hon. Neko C. Grant said.

Minister Grant signed a contract totalling $170,000 with Austin Knowles Construction Co. Ltd for the reconstruction of the dock during a stopover visit there on March 14. Accompanying Mr. Grant on the visit was Colin Higgs, permanent secretary; Dion Munroe, project engineer and Shaun Lightbourn, assistant engineer.

Among those in attendance at the signing ceremony held at the Government complex in Hatchet Bay was the Hon. Alvin Smith, MP for North Eleuthera, administrators Stephanie Rahming and  Cunningham, Local Government officials and residents.

Mr. Grant said he was “delighted” to return to Eleuthera with a view to further enhance public infrastructure. He said the dock has sustained damage as a result of hurricanes and through extensive use over the years.

Mr. Smith recalled that in past years the dock was utilised by fishermen, tourists and residents for various social activities.

He said the dock has remained in a state of disrepair since it was  severely damaged in 1965 by Hurricane Betsy and in 1992 by Hurricane Andrew.

“I am happy today that we are going to witness the rebuilding of that dock that is long overdue. I believe that by having that dock that it may spark the interest and encouragement for persons who want to fish and want some place to keep their boats.

“All progressive countries are taking care of their infrastructure. Every progressive country in the world is trying to improve the facilities that its citizens call upon for service, the roadways and the ports that its citizens use. The Bahamas is no different. We want to make sure that The Bahamas not just comes into the 21st century but progresses and moves along 21st century development,” he added.

The contract includes demolition of the existing wooden dock and reconstruction to accommodate vehicular traffic. The work is expected to be completed in four months.


  1. the total insubordination by Mr Alvin Smith is what killed hatchet bay these days. Over 15 years he has represented all of the north! and to NOTE!!! you cant see a mustard seed of a thing that he did man!!! and this hachet bay person talking bout the PLP. as i remember! the people stole so much from the plantation they had to close down. there were more dairey products selling out of certain houses that what the plantation sold!! if you go to GH on a wednesday! the most cases would see the hachet bay young guys going to court for stealing! house breakin! the lists go,s on! even child molestation with family members! the honorable PHIl Bethel tried to save hatchet bay but the people seem to not want to help them self after all theses years!! they stole they self uder the ground!! what a shame1 thank god for briland!!

  2. In response to Hatchet Bay and what has happened during the past 19 years leaves one to wonder.
    If The PLP closed down the Farm well why is it that something from such a responsible Government after so many years, still is not happening. If I am correct this dock signing is the only thing other than road work/s that has happened, so let’s be real and stop the slander because the facts just do not support the observations. Then for a Home Town Fellow, just look around and lets see the progress, it brings one to tears for the lack off, and you can ask the question where is the bacon, after all, their are no Hogs and there I rest my observations.


    Papa is lunging at ANYONE because of the pressure of the perceived failure to deliver on the C&W deal as he promised. Promised to whom? Promised TO THEM (foreigners). I heard the CEO of Robin Hood getting his share on a Love 97 news story today. Ingraham (or was that an IngRUM moment) said the man (who is not Bahamian) should not be in “his country” (ooooh what a patriot you are Papa). Can we apply the same comment to Saadat at URCA because of what has been uncovered thus far? Ooooh Papa, I can’t hear you.

    My deepest concern is that this out-going FNM government will deplete the treasury and borrow up to the credit limit in a frantic bid to win support. This will cause the next government administration to spend almost the entire 5 years term just trying to stabilize the country’s revenue to debts position. Unless Christie has the “testicles” to send these buggers to jail he should decline to be prime minister. That “vigorously review” foolishness will not satisfy the mob of infuriated Bahamians. WE WANT SOME OF THESE PEOPLE IN JAIL BECAUSE OF MALFEASANCE DURING THIS TERM.

  4. This is quite interesting, In 2007 after the Victory of the present Government we all remember Cancel, Review and Stop. This was all about the contracts that were signed by then Minister of Works,and was said to be Pre-Election deals, Will someone tell me if these signings don’t smell like Election is in the air,

  5. Hatchet Bay until the arrival of Alvin Smith in 1992 has always supported the PLP. The PLP has repaid the people of Hatchet Bay with misery, hardship and empty promises.

    Thank God for Hubert Ingraham and the FNM. The destruction of the Hatchet Bay Plantation directly by the PLP has put Hatchet Bay at it lowest ever. Things were so good and the PLP that we loved killed us.

    We have changed in Hatchet Bay we do not anymore support the PLP like used to, yes there some who still blindly support them but for sure more Hatchet Bay residents are sick and tired of the PLP and have more away from them completely.

    Thank you Mr. Ingraham, Hatchet Bay sets to ensure that we join the rest of North Eleuthera and remind the PLP that they do not love us, they are the problem.

    The new Hatchet Bay.

  6. BP, your story says “millions” in contracts leave treasury. The contract signed was not millions. By the way, the government always included all of this planned infrastructure work in its budget. Take a look at it again plz!

  7. now!what about the dock at the three Islands in North Eleuthera? i,m glad for the people of the bay. but the port at three island need some attention also

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