Cobra at LPIA Collected From the Straw Market…WHAT THE HELL IS THIS?

Wooden stick carved into the face of a Cobra snake by Straw Vendors - file photo.

A guest stopping at the checkpoint in LPIA today was advised to slowly open her bags as officials registered a strange looking instrument in her bag.

The Canadian woman had pack away into her long carry bag the wooden carved image of 4ft Cobra as she attempted to carry it on the plane.

Agents at the airport made a break for the doors when the woman began pulling out the items in her bag, which included the heavy stick.

Holding the wooden snake by the head the woman proudly told baggage inspectors, “Yall like my new gift from the Bahamas? I’m taking it home with me.”

An baggage inspector clinching his fists shaking asked the guest, “But…where did you get this from?” as he steered into the black eyes of the carved wood.

The woman replied, “From your world famous Staw Market at a fire sale price.”

The attendants looked nervously at the woman and in unison responded, “Da Straw Market?” Well what the hell is this?

“Who is it so deep in the Market could be so satanic, to sell guests a wooden snake?” one of the attendants whispered.

We at BP could only roll our eyes upwards to heaven when we saw the carved Cobra.

Bahamas Press is calling on the OUTGOING Government to find seven righteous preachers if they could, to pray for their new Staw Market before the millions invested in the project find itself up in flames, again.

When you see what is coming out of the Market and hear what is going on inside the facility, it is no wonder the place tends to get burnt to the ground. Perhaps it is an act of GOD!

Drugs in the Market! Prostitution in the Market and now they gat OBEAH on sale? WHAT IS THIS? Snake selling in the Straw Market?



  1. i cudda swear its a real snake dread, and think that carving is nice….atleast you know how to grab the audience attention…but thats as far as it goes …as far as it goes….

  2. Dear BP,

    The MOT story is not news nor 100% correct and snake carvings were always sold in the “straw” market. Maybe it’s me but where is the worthy news story in all of this???

  3. BP firstly I cant wait for the election to be called so I can vote this FNM out so dont align me with that party. Secondly I give you kudos for good commentary I read BP everyday and more than once because of the bold steps you take to inform the country as to what is going on, thumbs up. As for the wooden cobra story I saw it as pointless and lackluster if I am allowed to express my opinion in this forum. Finally I dont have a clue as to what will be exposed on Monday out of Tourism I have to wait for you or the Toilet Paper (LOL) to report. But dont keep us waiting report it now, I am waiting.

    • I know how yinner go the inute and I mean the minute that story in Toruism is released, some PAID by the FNM will come on here and say, “THAT IS AN UNTRUTH” I know them. We might drop the story tonight you never know. THIS BO YA KNOW!


      PS: Breaking news is coming out of the TOPAZ LODGE HALL ON THE TOP OF THE HILL OF BLUE HILL ROAD!

  4. I have to agree! The snake is God’s creation, it’s only man that endangers man!BP this just shows or example of how talented some Bahamians are. The person who did this maynot even have a high school diploma! It’s just a show of pure talent!!!

  5. I have a suggestion for the, “State of The Art Straw Market”

    dress code clothing: nice scrubs (the colors of the Bahamian flag > gold, black and aqua they should be allowed to wear any of those colors only)

    shoes:the rubber clogs would be nice (because some of them do not take care of their feet, so the clogs would hide them very well)

    hair: no bunch of crazy color weave and hair styles – but a nice neat bun or a nice ponytail (even if they would have to buy one)

    training classes: send them ALL to a etiquette class to get a crash course of social behavior and so forth.

    And with all of that said and done I do believe we would really have a “State of the Art Straw Market” with pleasant persons.

  6. Ummmm…I don’t get it! Seriously! Why is it wrong (or newsworthy) that a wooden snake is sold at the market? Or that wood carvers are carving snakes? Its a reptile..they carve fish and birds and other animals.This is 2011, don’t tell me that this has something to do with superstition!! They sell fake bags..maybe they should make bags that look like snakes!

    • Save credibility? If you know how many readers on this site right now are laughing your commentary to score. Retract? You mean the FNM eh?


    • Our credibility? Now take note of this, we have a story for you to question come Monday morning. NO ONE HAS BROKEN IT YET! We intentionally held this story for Monday to test really how wide our readership is. Now, enter your name we are give you and a few others the advance opportunity for you to tell us what we will report is indeed UNTRUE! The story is out of the Ministry of Tourism.

      STAND UP! SPEAK NOW! Protect the FNM NOW! Please, don’t do it after BP’s report!

  7. What the hell is this story about? I grew up seeing those in the straw market. This is nothing new,if it was to the scanners, then they are either 1, not Bahamian, 2, NEVER been to the straw market, 3, just came to the Bahamas as adult children of Bahamians as is anyone who thinks this is any type of news.

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