Goons connected to a Former FNM Cabinet Minister may be involved in death theats on Branville’s Life


MP for Bamboo Town Branville McCartney.


Nassau, Bahamas — Reports reaching Bahamas Press suggest a former Cabinet Minister in the FNM Government could also be involved in the threats of deaths against Branville McCartney.

BP is now investigating the men involved, who were also involved in the breaking up of Branville’s Town Meeting in Bamboo Town on BTC several weeks ago.

Branville has asked the Commissioner of Police for protection following the threats of death.

Current Minister of National Security, Tommy Turnquest, has yet to make a statement on the incident highlighting only in the newspapers that “Crime is not out of control”. WHAT A SHAMELESS STATEMENT!

A Bamboo Town resident told BP, ‘The incident proves just how low we have descended as a country under the FNM. Under the first term many forgot how Chuck Virgil, a former Cabinet Minister, was massacred under Ingraham’s neglectful watch. Now these known thugs, who reek havoc all over the country want kill my MP? CRIME under the FNM is by far out-of-control!’

Police have yet to arrest any of the men who we can confirm are recorded on camera.


  1. @ Kim Sands

    Take it to Wisdom because you are correct. Our politics mirrors the style of politics in the USA today, where image, which includes physical appearance, has currency and is played-up for all its worth. Likewise, attire, mannerism and charisma are all lumped into the consideration and become points on which decisions are made at the poll. Which world is “Wisdom” living in? Ralph Nader (USA) is highly intelligent and his message was sound on SOME of the key issues that one would ordinarily consider, if elections were based solely on the man with the best plan. Alas, it is not so and much, much more is baked into the cake called “decision” than smarts. Keep it comin’ Kim.

    • Storm it’s real, why you think Keri Hilson did a whole song about it? I want Wisdom to listen to the song “pretty girl rock” where the artist is singing, “Don’t hate me ’cause I’m beautiful.” Where you think she got the inspiration from to write such a song? These things exist Storm. Now, I am not saying that’s the only reason the FNM have a beef with Bran, but that could very well be ONE of the reasons. You see how the leader look right? LOL!! When you are an attractive person, either people will like you for it and some would even try to befriend you because of it or they are going to hate you and some may feel that you are a threat to them. The members of the FNM are not stupid you know, they know Bran is an intelligent young man, plus he is good looking on top of that and his name haven’t been mixed up in anything scandalous thus far, they realize how easy it is for him to market himself and appeal to the general public. If you ask me, Bran sound like the ideal candidate to be the next prime minister. Now some may argue, what about experience? All I have to say is, “look at what Papa doing to us, when he suppose to have this so call “EXPERIENCE,” people light, water and cable are off, families can‘t afford to eat, people are having nervous breakdowns by day and crime is at an unacceptable level, everything seems to be in a mess and you still talking about experience? Man, give Bran a chance, it can‘t be any worst than this.” Anyway, I hope Wisdom is right though, that is Bahamians don’t vote on the basis of appearances and they would vote base on what one has to offer the country that would be life enhancing to most Bahamians. After all, you can’t carry these politicians’ good looks to the grocery store or pay your bills with it, so at that point their good looks are not going to matter.

    • Don’t see previous post, so, I am posting again.

      Storm it’s real, why you think Keri Hilson did a whole song about it? I want Wisdom to listen to the song “pretty girl rock” where the artist is singing, “Don’t hate me ’cause I’m beautiful.” Where you think she got the inspiration from to write such a song? These things exist Storm. Now, I am not saying that’s the only reason the FNM have a beef with Bran, but that could very well be ONE of the reasons. You see how the leader look right? LOL!! When you are an attractive person, either people will like you for it and some would even try to befriend you because of it or they are going to hate you and some may feel that you are a threat to them. The members of the FNM are not stupid you know, they know Bran is an intelligent young man, plus he is good looking on top of that and his name haven’t been mixed up in anything scandalous thus far, they realize how easy it is for him to market himself and appeal to the general public. If you ask me, Bran sound like the ideal candidate to be the next prime minister. Now some may argue, what about experience? All I have to say is, “look at what Papa doing to us, when he suppose to have this so call “EXPERIENCE,” people light, water and cable are off, families can‘t afford to eat, people are having nervous breakdowns by day and crime is at an unacceptable level, everything seems to be in a mess and you still talking about experience? Man, give Bran a chance, it can‘t be any worst than this.” Anyway, I hope Wisdom is right though, that is Bahamians don’t vote on the basis of appearances and they would vote base on what one has to offer the country that would be life enhancing to most Bahamians. After all, you can’t carry these politicians’ good looks to the grocery store or pay your bills with it, so at that point their good looks are not going to matter.

  2. Come on now. Think about this story and the unfolding of the entire events.The fundamental question here is
    why didn’t McCartney notify the police when the “gangsters” agreed to meet him back at his office at a certain time? remember they visited the office twice on that fateful day. the second time at his request.

    All shall be revealed in the fullness of time.

    • I agree, it does sound a bit odd, but the good thing about it all the persons involved know exactly what unfolded on that fateful day and I can’t wait for them to start talking. I just hope Bran isn’t mixed up in any type of foolishness, because it would be a shame. So many people are pulling for him including myself and it would be total upsetting to find out that he’s not who we thought he was and no different from those other scandalous politicians. Can wait for Bran to come out and shed more light on what exactly transpired and put his supporters at ease.

    • @Truthhurts
      With the Police Force being so politicised since this Govt came to power it is possible some politician did not give the ok for the Police to be at the office of McCartney.Or its possible the Police left too quickly rather than doing a stakeout.From the photos I saw in the press the two accuse are definitely thugs with one having an case pending for firearms possession.I am hoping someone has a tape of the Bamboo Town meeting so we can see if any of them was there when the meeting of Bran was disrupted.The PLP shadow Minister of National security must arrange a meeting with the COP to get the facts.Better still request the Minister of National security to issue a statement in the HOA.

  3. Only in the Corrupt Caribbean can a Prime Minister (yes believe me that this modern day Napoleon is behind this and if not, he knew all about it and gave his blessings to go ahead with it) put up a goon to threaten a former co-worker and friend. Could understand if he was a normal man but he’s our PM! As BP would say he has no damn shame! And we’re the only country that are so slack and just let it to continue.

    • I kept trying to respond to your comment, I just hope it goes through this time.

      Oh Wisdom, I would hope not, because that would be too silly to say the least and I would prefer to give my Bahamian people more credit than that and it was never my intentions to suggest any such thing. Wisdom, you have to admit that FNM party has some very petty members in there, especially the leader. Whenever you hear them talk about Bran you can detect the bitterness in their voices, now I don’t know what Bran did to deserve this type of reaction from them other than him leaving the party and starting up his own party, but I sense some type of vibe or jealousy from them and it wouldn’t be surprising to me, if one of the reason they hate him so much is because of his good looks. Now I might be wrong about this or maybe I see it like that, because of my own personal experiences. Being a nice looking woman myself, I know what it is to have people hating on you, because of your looks. That’s why it is not hard for me to believe something like this. It’s obvious the members in the FNM don’t like Bran very much. I think they hate everything about him. Look at it, Bran received death threats, I mean Bran was once apart of that organization and as good as they know Bran; none of them could have come forth and express any type of concerns for him or his family safety? There has to be some type of jealous going on there, even if Bran was a dog getting those threats, you would have had to shown some type of concern for them. That is cold, now I see why Bran said, “They lack compassion” and he no longer wants to be associated with them, I honestly don’t blame him.

  4. I think Bran is suffering from ADD, he loves attention, these guys was hired by him to make the FNM look bad, and gain him some sympathy. he believe this is hollywood. he is a mirror freak…PLP BEWARE. HE IS A TRICK OR TREAT GUY

    • Branville is not that kind of a man. Before slander someone’s name make sure you have your prof. If not, please allow those who wish to post comments that edify comment. Thank you.

  5. BP, and we support Greenslade 110%???
    This should not have happened in the first place but criminals have all the opportunity cause the police is lousy at policing even in this instance they still can’t get all the fellas involved.
    I agree with Tommy we do not have a crime problem, well if not then what is the problem? I say we have a policing problem!!!

  6. @Media,

    Other than reading it here on BP where else is this “story” substantiated? Your story comes across more as “hear-say” as you cite no witnesses other than “someone” or your sources. You start your “story” off with “…Reports reaching Bahamas Press suggest…” SUGGEST? How is this then factual? Credible? Responsible media?

    I know this is election time; however, we don’t need to get the public all riled up over hyped up stories that have not even been properly researched and presented. Maybe that is why it is not in other publications!

    BP I am beginning to wonder now that it is elections time that you seem to be turning into a “wuthless” media outlet – you sure you are not on the take and pushing someone else’s agenda?

    You don’t think people can see right thru this crap? Don’t sell your self out – report responsibly!!!!!!!

  7. Anyone notice how Carl Bethel has not said a word in defense his FNM party about this? Isn’t like him not to talk his mouth off with the media.

    • He also said nothing following the anniversary of the Party’s election to office. WE WONDER WHY!


  8. This man better get out of town, because if he is found dead the PLP’s will say the FNM’s kill him, and the FNM’s would say the PLP’s kill him. This is serious.
    At the end of the day to many he will be out of their way.

    • What I find most interesting WISDOM is this. A former Minister is threatened and NOTHING, NOT A DAMN WORD is noted on this by the Minister of National Security! NOTHING! I mean what has this Bahamas come to?


  9. “Crime is not out of control”. Well if it’s not out of control, I wouldn’t like to see this place if it was. Tommy just need to hush, because every time he opens his mouth, he causing people to look at him like the thing with two big ears and long tail. Anyway, I can’t be bother with Tommy. I still trying to wrap my brains around, who would want to harm Bran and his family. I would really hate to believe it’s someone that was associated with the FNM, because Bran was once apart of that party, one would think that would count for something. Well you never know, they might have always been jealous of Bran, after all he was the best looking one in the cabinet beside Desmond Bannister and then he was the only one with enough balls to walk away from Papa, maybe they hate him because of that. I think the police need to tap all their phone calls. Then again it could be some Haitians or other illegal immigrants that don’t want Bran to win the next election. Bran isn’t saying nothing much now, but I believe as soon as he start talking, the first thing he will be discussing is sending these illegal immigrant back to their country and you know plenty of them are not for that. Plus, Bran never made it no secret, that he feel Bahamian should come first in this country. No, these people want come here and take over and Papa being encouraging it.

  10. the truth is really like what bran stand for he has all the right plans for are country while he may get a seat or two i think he need to link with the plp and get rid of this don’t like and don’t care fnm government. bran and perry will do a excellent job by putting we bahamians back to work lock down crime and ship these haitians back home b/c we have over 70,000 haitians here.

  11. BP. Even if it is not substantiated that FNM goons have threatened Mr. McCartney i would not be surprised if some element is. As a Bahamian old enough to remember, some parts of the FNM have always appeared to sanction violence against their supposed enemies.It happened in Lewis Yard Grand Bahama, it was alleged to have occurred in Perpall Tract when Barry Major was murdered by “Skull” and others.The plain fact is that any violence perpetrated by anyone for political purposes is wrong and dangerous. The Bahamian people must watch and see who are eventually found to be the culprits and what legal sanctions are imposed on them or not.

  12. Is Bran’s DNA even recognized as an official political party?
    If the members of the United States of America’s Congress and their families who constantly receive death threats against them are not afforded police protection, then why should any Bahamian politician or their family receive police protection?
    Bran needs to do what the rest of Bahamans do. Go home and locked themselves behind bars and heavy-duty locks to stop the thugs from harming their families, and if they need the police they say a few Hail Mary’s while they wait, wait and wait some more in fear for the police to respond.
    I’d rather see Bran dealing with this feeling of emptiness growing across our Bahamas, which if Bran and his DNA team are really serious about taking on the many challenges they will face as the new government they will have to stop playing cat and mouse with the electorate via the media with it coming across that he is more about projecting his image than addressing the peoples urgent needs?
    Bran may have high paid consultants on the payroll out of his reported $25 million in campaign funds but I will tell him that when it comes to winning elections there is no new political mouse trap he can event to catch this FNM cabinet, excepting putting the old fashioned boots to the gerund and coming face to face with the people.

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