Too many accidents and senseless deaths on New Providence and GB


dscf8996What is wrong with drivers today in this country? Every morning you wake a lamp pole is down, wires down and power out. Why? Because someone decided to turn roads across the Bahamas into the Indy 500.

Almost every weekend some ends their own life or the life of another in a traffic accident. A few weeks ago we heard how a mother died. She was involved in a traffic accident in the West Bay Street area. With trauma to the head as a result of the accident, she was brain dead. Her final days was spent in the intensive care unit of at PMH. She died last week and left behind a 6 week old baby.

Sunday we saw a minister in the government speeding beyond 80 miles an hour on a 35mph section of town. He was driving himself. Please people, DRIVE TO ARRIVE ALIVE.

This vehicle shown was overturned on Sir Milo Butler Highway early Sunday morning. The impact was so serious the back window blowout several feet away. The driver was sitting up on the side of the road, injured of course.

And late Sunday night our Road traffic ‘deep-throat’ informed us that another serious accident was at the intersection of St. Barnabas Anglican Church (Blue Hill and Poinciana Drive). Someone decided to run the red light at top speed and another innocent soul got hurt. Slow down people, SLOW DOWN! DRIVE TO ARRIVE ALIVE.



  1. Most of the time you see people speeding like they are in so much of a hurry, if you were to follow them and see where they are going, most of the time they are not going anywhere important. People are just speeding because they know they can get away with it. Most people already know how these wutless police does operate, everybody know they usually comes out on the street at the end of the month to do their jobs, because they know that’s government pay day and they think you should have a few dollars in your wallet or purse to give them and their fellow coworkers so they can buy a cold beer or two in order for them not to write you up a ticket. Nobody seems to have any respect for law, not even the people who suppose to enforce them. When an MP could be seen speeding who supposed to know better that should tell you the predicament this country is in. This place is so corrupted it is sickening.

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