There was another murder in the capital just over an hour ago


Police walking the beat - File Photo.


There are more murder, robbery and mayhem here in the capital, and from what we know the information is not good news for ‘Jughead’ Turnquest. We are now calling on the Church Leader and all responsible citizens and civic organization for the immediate removal of this most neglectful, most incompetent minister of national security in the history of the Commonwealth of the Bahamas.

BP IS REPORTING MURDER #260 SINCE 2009. We can tell you dead is a young man on Charles Saunders Highway in the area of a car wash nearby the Sadie Curtis School.

Two men were held up by a gunman, who robbed who robbed them, and shot one of men  before fleeing on foot shortly before 3:00pm today.

In another matter that occurred shortly afterward in the same vicinity, a young man attempted to rob a convenient store in Pinewood Gardens, however he was overpowered by the owner who took the gun and held the man until the police came.

We salute the shop-keeper who should have put six slugs in him and put his lights out.


Officers of Rapid Strike removed another weapon from the streets of New Providence. According to police reports, sometime around 6:20 pm on Thursday 14th July, 2011 officers of Rapid Strike acting on information went to vacant property at Florida Court, where they recovered a rifle along with a quantity of ammunition.

No one was taken into custody; however, active police investigations continue.


  1. Why cant we go back to the good ole days when everyone was their brothers keeper, Its just sickining that the crime rate is climbin up the ladder. Im not critizing anyone but i strongly believe all of this anger came from this mix culture if u really sit back and watch how they kill people in haiti you will notice its happening rite on our Bahama Land, and anothe thing what makes me mad is to see Jamican and haitian having Flag day in the Bahamas, It the Bahamas our home if our own dnt stand up so sad to see this little country we call home will get destroy it is what it is peace out

  2. This country is in the midst of a criminal onslaught and invasion. Bahamians had better wake up and smell the coffee.

    People are being slaughtered in their private and supposedly safe home. Women are being accosted with their possessions stolen and violated.

    I think this government wants private Bahamians to form vigilante groups to do their jobs for them.

    Honestly and truly, because of this state of emergency we are in, I have prepared myself for death. I prepare myself because I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that I cannot rely on my government to protect me.

    I know that if I am to survive, and/ or not be chapped up I am going to have to take the law into my own hands and then face the weak-backed judicial system myself.

    Such is life in the new Bahamas.

  3. The late great Michael Jackson, said it best when he said, “This is it!” Trust me, this is it. People are tired of Tommy and FNM crap. He can’t even protect his own family business and they want put him in charge of National Security, are they serious??

  4. I can remember the when the F.N.M. was in opposition they all said that crime was Mother Pratts problem and she had to figure out a way to solve it. Tommy Turnquest said he had the solution for crime and Bahamians was dumb enough to believe that. As you can see now he does not have a clue and is in way over his head. The F.N.M. is now saying that crime is everybody’s problem and not only Tommy Turnquest. I guess it because he is richer than Mother Pratt. What a bunch of hypocrites this F.N.M. Government is.

  5. BP, this wasn’t no robbery! Continue investigating, I know you will bring us the truth, the police trying to put it off as a robbery cause they dont wanna tell people the truth!

    • Bahamas Gone, regardelss of the circumstance behind the incident, it is still another senseless killing that has taken a life. we as a people need to come together against crime, whatever the reason. the person who knows what happen and doesn’t report it is jsut as bad as the person who pulled the trigger. But you know what we never understand until it happens to one or our family members then we cry out for justice. I am sure for the many families out there that had a love one murdered don’t care about the circumstances.So let us all get together and fight against this muderous spirit that has taken a grip on our country.

  6. I listen to alot of persons speak about the crime and alot of them say that the Government can’t stop crime.I stop and ponder on these comments and ask myself if this is true.

    Well,I have came to my conclusion that,if the Minister of National Security wakes up tomorrow morning and says that we want to now hang those on death row and it happens,WHAT DO YOU THINK THE OTHER MURDERERS WILL SAY? I mean,if it was me and the law is not enforced,I will continue what I’m doing cause I COULD DO 5 OR 10 FOR YOU BEY!!!!

    But,if I know that the law has been enforced and now I can get hanged, I will seriously think about the things that I go to do.I wonder if they would say “BEY I’LL GIVE MY LIFE FOR YOURS”I REALLY WONDER!!!!

    Now to the Minister of National Security,I Troy Garvey will join the campaign to have you removed…This is not a game that you are playing on your game boy or any other component..You have intentionally refuse to even try and alter or make a move to deter this outrageous criminality in our country.


  7. Mr. Cartwright has been a disappointment to the people of Long Island who have supported the F>N>M for many years. When he was an independant canidate he was fortunate to get both P.L.P. and F.N.M. votes. He now acts as though he is above the same people that made him their M.P. The time has now come for us as Long Islanders to show him that he works for us and we do not work for him. We are fed up with his poor representation and the F.N.M.’s don’t care attitude. A change is coming. believe that.

  8. So sad. Broad daylight no less. The criminals have taken over this country because they know they can go to prison have three meals a day and because of the backlog of cases can get bail faster than you could blink.

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