Sportsman and Bahamasair Exec. Paul Demeritte has been shot


Paul Demeritte, seen here wearing the shades, along with his brother is Mark attending the funeral of the late, Harry "Mutt" Dean, a former sportsman and umpire.

Nassau, Bahamas — Bahamas Press is reporting a shooting incident involving Bahamasair exec., Paul Demeritte.

Demeritte we are told was in the Bain Town community area when the shooting incident occurred.

Sources on the ground tell us the incident occurred last evening. He, we are told, was rushed to the Princess Margaret Hospital for treatment.

His injuries to are serious, however, he is stable.

Meanwhile, the woman stabbed by robbers at her home in Blair on Sunday morning is recovering after surgery yesterday.

Sources tell us the woman stayed home Sunday morning while her husband and son went to church. As she carried out chores around the home, Rwandan Style bandits gained access into the home and stabbed the woman in the temple area of her face.

She is listed in critical but stable condition.

Bother Minister of National Security, Tommy Turnquest and Prime Minister Hubert Ingraham have gone on record suggesting that persons murdered and attacked in the capital are indeed criminals killing up one another. We wounder if both persons in these violent attacks are also allegedly involved in criminal behaviour?

Here are reports you will not hear reported in the WUTLESS MEDIA.

We report, Yinner DECIDE!


  1. I hope Mr. Demeritte uses this experience as a warning to get closer to the Lord. He needs to put down the scotch and the bacardi 8 and pick up the bible. What he doing in Bain Town anyway. The Lord is going to come and meet these old playboys drunk with a Cuban gal on they lap.

    Another thing, people need to invest in a dam alarm for their house. Times too red for people to be acting brand new like they live in Harbour Island or Green Turtle Cay, and that everybody love each other. Gaddam, I finish with that.

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