plp_9158<<< Former Prime Minister Perry ‘Pussy CAT’ Christie at his BEST doing the Christie Shuffle at a Mass Rally during the 2007 election campaign. The PLP leader has earned the NAMES WUTLESS, LAZY, DO NUTTIN SHUFFLER and ‘PUSSY CAT’ following his defeat at the polls. Christie never ceases to amaze us, here he is at his best, acting like a donkey dress in shoes.

Perry ‘PUSSY CAT’ Christie must be living as Margaret Thatcher says in, “Coo Coo Land”.

Clico Bahamas has collapsed and is being liquidated. Millions, yes millions, of the Bahamian people’s investments in that insurance company is NO MORE. Operators at CLICO played a Ponzi scheme in The Bahamas, whilst Christie and Ingraham play the cartoon characters of ‘Twiddle Dee and Twiddle Dumb’. One saying he don’t know something is
wrong at CLICO, the other saying someone would soon buy Clico.

The ‘Bald Head Monk’s’ statements do not surprise us, but to hear that the former Minister of Finance AKA ‘Pussy Cat’ Christie say he knew nothing about the problems at CLICO, stirs the question, WHAT WAS CHRISTIE DOING? HE WAS SLEEPING IN THE WHEEL!

Now examine Christie’s statement if you will. Christie says he did not know money was hemorrhaging out of the failed insurance company where more than $50 million was moved under his watch. Now that’s amazing!

With that being said, the second thing that puzzles us is that fact that since the collapse -where over 30,000 policyholders have lost everything – Christie has not offered a single word of concern for the victims of CLICO? WELL MUDDO! Nothing has come from Christie for the mother who lost her daughter’s entire education fund The child was due for college this September. But CLICO has gone belly up! My goodness  Christie didn’t have the nerve to even offer a prayer for the hundreds left holding the bag. AND WE KNOW WHY! And this is the same man who wants to drive the wheels of this country AGAIN. FOR WHAT!? So he could write-off the bus this time?

The next time one of you policyholders of CLICO see Christie, ask him to please answer this question. How much money did CLICO pump into his May 2007 election campaign? Or better yet, ask him what was that Trinidadian associate with interests in CLICO doing daily at his residence during the days leading up to the 2007 election?

Christie isn’t telling all people what he really knew about CLICO, and he’s being awfully quiet upon its COLLAPSE! hmmmmmm!


  1. @JR
    Amen ma brother, we agree on everything you said!!

    Media /or BP thinks that Mrs. Martin (PLP chairman) is one of those who is set to overthrow PC so she gets no resistance from him because he does not like PC, that’s bias Media!! But that’s your right!! Just don’t try to pretend as though you are fair and balanced!! You have your biases just like anyone else!

  2. media :
    Well Jr, Kevin and Connie we see you would go at any length now-a-days to defend Christie. And we expect NO better. Sometimes I wonder as I see you all heap coals on Joe Blow in his defense of the FNM, but don’t see yourselves in your swift defense of the PLP. But to each his own.
    Let us begin in responding to this report by the WUTLESS Guardian. The story account is HOGWASH! We said it’s HOGWASH because it was NO ONE BUT THE FORMER ATTORNEY GENERAL AND MINISTER OF EDUCATION in the PLP ALFRED SEARS, who proclaimed on National Television ZNS, that the Christie government was aware to the Clico Fiasco.
    Sear pointed out that they were aware as did the Ingraham government, and that both administrations are as fault for the LACK OF ACTION! Now those were the words of a member of the Christie Cabinet! Therefore how could a member of the Cabinet say both governments were at fault and failed to ACT, and whoever this Dr. Brown (BROWN WHO????) person is says the Christie government didn’t? You know that just doesn’t add up?
    Try selling your ice to the African and your Salt Water to the Alaskans. We at BP know BETTER!
    Bahamas Press/Editor

    So why then isn’t this story about how lousy Alfred Sears is or the others for being in charge who did nothing? Why stop at Perry? Why are you ignoring what Roger Brown and Lennox McCartney both confirmed and that is that the FNM knew this was a crisis about to happen six months before all hell broke loose and they did nothing? Why aren’t you taking Allyson Maynard Gibson to the wood shed for not doing anything? The same way you say we curry favor for Perry my brother, the whole world can see you sucking up to Allyson and Alfred. Like I said before, this post was a BS standby “I hate Perry” rant and not a story. We’ve heard that tune before. And another thing, I don’t go rushing to defend the PLP so cut your sh**. If anything, I slam you for your baseless, onesided attacks on Perry all the time and how you like to dress it up and try call it “breaking news” when its just another hate fest from you. You could go back and research my many posts and you will see that while I support the PLP and Perry, I don’t rush to no stupid sheep like conclusions and I think that Glenys is the worst chairman any party has ever had and more than Perry, that gal is destroying the PLP on a daily basis. YOu have a thousand posts from me saying that so come better BP. You can’t tell half the story and then act like people ganging up on you man. YOu smarter than that.

  3. @media
    You asked why I’m I still here? Well, did you notice how much less I post here now than I did a few months ago?? That’s because I am tired of the same stories appearing over and over with just a little twist and I hate all the name calling to our leaders.. Disrespecting our leaders is not good at all and the higher power that I conform to which is God does not believe in disrespecting leaders..

    I believing in attacking the issues and not people!! That’s something you should learn!! Ofcourse I still read your headlines almost daily but you know how I used to praise BP when I first joined until I realized that there were too much personal attacks..

    You try to make it seem as though I said that you only attack the PLP when I clearly stated both parties but you have a special HATE for not just the PLP but PC in particular!! Anyone can see that!!

    Always remember that everywhere people gather is not always a good place!! Hell will also be overboked!!

  4. @media
    Yep, I saw that too! That guy is out to lunch!! Don’t they at least brief him? He wants to just get up and say ‘my government’ or ‘my cabinet’, he is really living in fantasy land. You know I am all for persevering (sp?), but a great leader should also know when it is time to call it quits. But then again I did say ‘a great leader’!

  5. @rudy
    You talking about the PUSSY CAT not being aware of the increase of the exemption. Earl Deveaux attacked Christie at the last sitting and Christie did not know until BJ raised the matter with the Speaker tonight. I mean the man is completely delusional! He he don’t know when he getting attacked in Parliament, what you think about the attacks heaped on the PEOPLE by this WUTLESS FNM by the day?

    THEY’RE LOST And Christie tired as HELL!

    Bahamas Press/Editor

  6. @media
    I did hear Picewell Forbes mention him as well. Christie wasn’t even aware that the FNM has now increased the stamp duty exemption on sale of land to $500k until someone pointed it out, he said he didn’t know that. He is really and truly a sorry sight. I tell you Fred looking more and more like the real leader, and he would probably be a good one. Bahamians just too narrow minded. He certainly doesn’t sound like an idiot when he is speaking.

  7. @Objective thought
    May I remind you ‘Objective Thought’ BAHAMAS PRESS is NOT, I repeat NOT a group in LOVE with the PLP. You should know that by now. When you’re looking for that kind of news, GO TO THE PLP website. There is a link for them on our blogroll section.

    NOR are we match makers with the FNM. This is an objective website, with an intent to PREACH REAL NEWS! To tell it like it is, NOT according to the gospel of the PUSSY CAT or MUGABE!

    And as for the comment of us having some personal agenda CRAP, how long you PLPs been saying that now? October would be 2 years, but you’re still here. WHY? BP is that infectious?

    Let us give you some Stats on this BLOG. Our readership has exploded by 100% in the last month. And if projections continue in our rise, your Bahamas Press will reach 3 million monthly readers by the end of MAY! Because on May 2nd, we have a SPECIAL treat for everyone! OK?

    Bahamas Press/Editor

  8. @Trinity Media really gat a thing for PC nah!! This site should be called “All Politician Bashing with special focus on PC and the PLP”….. Then we would understand why Media does what he does.

    All this site does is bash politicians (PLP and FNMs with special attention on PC and the PLP)… It seem as though to Media, It does not matter what this govt does or doesn’t do it will always be better than the PLP especially with PC as its leader!!

    I thought that the people voted the FNM in with just over 3000 more votes than the PLP got out of more than 130 000 voters so I don’t understand why Media thinks that PC is so bad!?! The PLP got beaten by much more than that in 1997 and won in 2002 and the FNM got beaten by much more than that in 2002 and won in 2007 so Media my advice to you is report the national news/national issues and drop the name calling because many people would start saying that you have a personal agenda and it has nothing to do with reporting the news!!

  9. Media, I believe you want that Pussy Cat, how else can you explain your hotts for him! Geez!!!

  10. Is anyone watching the Comedy Hour in the House of Assembly today? Dry Bread is dead and the FNM had to honour him in the House today. Dry Bread was the Biggest PLP you could find on Grand Bahama!

    I can remember seeing him dressed in his Blue and GOLD cloths. There he stood BIG as BILLIE at party events on TV. But when the ‘Pussy Cat’ spoke in the House this morning, he never once mentioned his own. He said nothing to Cyril ‘Dry Bread’ Ferguson’s passing. MY WORD, look what the PLP is coming to these days!

    Kendal Wright the MP for Clifton honoured Dry Bread this morning, calling persons like him the real ministers of tourism. BOY, yinna PLPs better get rid a dat FAKE ‘PUSSY CAT’ from leading yall PARTY!


  11. @Joe Blow
    You all call it nonsense when 30,000 policyholders have lost their money and now Christie is all QUIET? THAT doesn’t sound like someone acting CRAZY?

    Also don’t come on here Joe talking about what your suggestion is for us to follow. We have extended you to join in and submit articles you deem important to discuss. But what do we get from you? HOT AIR and criticisms. BUT we expect no better from you JOE.

    Bahamas Press/Editor

  12. THANK YOU FERN for reinforcing what I have been suggesting ever since I have been coming to this blog. LET”S FORGET PETTY NONSENSE AND DEAL WITH THE ISSUES. Further put our thinking caps on and suggest possible solutions.

  13. @Fern
    Thanks for saying that! I cannot see Bahamas Press moving forward if it continues to slander others. They will lose readership and credibility with the Bahamian people. Media, how is it that you have more stories on Perry Christie and what he did not do than you do of the entire FNM administration and what they are not doing. Two years in power and nothing to show for it. Come on MEDIA!!! Give us a break.

  14. Media,

    Is dancing to the sound of Junkanoo “acting crazy”, are we all acting crazy at Christmas time or at events such as that where Christie choose to dance? He was not the only one dancing at the rallies was he? Come on man deal with him civily. Yes, he made some foolish mistakes while PM, but lay off the man. Judge him for what he did or did not do. Let him have his fun without critism. Like the blogger said, Clinton IS a sax player, Obama is a basketball player, I don’t know anything about the PM and I dare not speak of what I do not know, but I am sure he has his vices.

    Finally, Mr. Ingraham is the PM and we should have respect for him. Remember, God sets up Governments and He and He alone with take them down whatever they choose to do with their time in office. So for God sakes man no personal attacks on our leaders. DEAL WITH THE ISSUES THAT ARE AFFECTING PLPs & FNMs alike.

  15. While I enjoy visiting BP’S website, there are a few points I would wish to make.
    1. If you bought a use car and got into an accident, is the former owner liable for fixing the damages or is it the duty of the current owner to resolve his/her issues?
    We use many cliches about Christie(Pussy foot, undecissive,Mr Methodical, etc)But the facts are that under a Christie administration, the Bahamas recorded recorded surpluses.
    Well it’s fair to say we have a taste of the two leaders and the facts have to speak for themselves.People electricity is being disconnected aye? People are moving their children out of private schools aye? More and more Bahamians are becoming unemployed aye?
    So do we want a leader who will take the time and manage we the people money like it was his personal money, who ensures that no action in taken until all relevant consultation has been made and may do this yes, by forming respective committees because it makes sense to? Or do we want someone who is a good speech entertainer ” een long na baby” and knows how to put of a good fireworks show but flushes the friggin economy down the toilet and intentionally fire hard working Bahamians 1200 and counting to be at the helm of leadership in the country?

    2.Two years after the FNM came to power CLICO collapses who really is the blame? Maybe if the current PM was not so vengeful and left sensible, no nonsense people like Al Jarrett in place something could have been done to fix this CLICO mess.

    In short, the Bahamas is to small for such mass corruption; we cannot survive like this.
    The media needs to understand and not downtone good leadership. Clinton was a Sax player, Obama plays basketball, Christie loves to dance; sounds civil to me. On the other hand, Ingraham is no nonense, loves rum (russian vodka) doesn’t this seem a bit Yeltzin like, I mean the former former president of Russia? Doesn’t his actions reminds you of Mugabe and the president of Sudan? When are we going to realize this man does not have the interest of the Bahamian people at heart.

  16. I am very confused with this issue as the facts that would be needed to make a judgement are absent.Who knew what and when are missing but from listening to talk shows some persons who had policies were informed in advance and left the ship with substantial amounts.No matter the outcome of the liquidation case an Enquiry must be held so that nothing like this is allowed to happen again.

  17. @Truth
    Let’s forget what Sears indeed did say for a moment. And let’s put it the way Prime Minister Hubert Ingraham said it in the House of Assembly. He noted as a debate began to rage on the matter that he did not want to make the situation political. But he reminded members that the money at CLICO was moved under the Christie administration.

    Now we say that to say this, how is it Christie just took that verbal attack and sat in silence over it? Are we forgetting here how 30,000 policyholders lost everything? (VOTERS???). That millions of the people’s money just walked out of the company, disappeared off the books, untaxed and Christie has not a word to say?

    Or better yet, why was that Trinidadian who has ties in Clico around Christie during the May 2nd Election? Indeed again we say, Christie is very quiet over the matter and we know why.

    Bahamas Press/Editor

  18. I believe Mr. Sears myself. Dr. brown was an absentee Registrar. I have no idea why he held that job for as long as he did. Since Mr. Christie is on record lying that he knew nothing, it would be highly unusual for Dr Brown to contradict Mr. Christie, while remaining a PLP in good standing, not to mention the Political fodder that a contradiction would provide the FNM.

  19. BP= Please stop quoting Sears to legitimize your foolishness if you were not present when he spoke. Be responsible and contact him! I am 100% positive that you are qouting him out of context. I am no fan of Christie or Ingraham… but then again it would be wrong to sit back and watch u engage in reckless allegations and misqoutes. Get your facts together and stop relying on inference and attempting to connect dots to create hypothetical BS stories. Lately the views expressed here have been no better than those in a Tribune Insight column.

  20. @Joe Blow
    Joe better than ANYONE else you know this writer in particular HATE SPIN.

    I did not say Alfred Sears alone knew. I said, relative to this post that Sears noted; AT THE CLICO policyholders meeting, and on a popular talk show, that the CHRISTIE GOVERNMENT was aware of the CRISIS gathering at CLICO.

    Christie said nothing was brought to his attention. I am saying, how is it through the words of Sears, a member of the PLP Cabinet says that the PLP government was aware of the issues at CLICO, and the Registrar of Insurance, according to Kevin, says they didn’t? Who would you believe? Sears or the man who did not do his JOB in the first place?

    Bahamas Press/editor

  21. If ,since you say, Mr. Sears was aware of the impending crisis at CLICO, then we must ask when he was aware of it and what steps did he take to protect the policy holders and when did he inform the Minister of Finance? And another question I have is why, because of his former capacity, is he acting on anyone’s part as a lawyer in the case? If a suit is brought against the “Mother” company, will he not be in an awkward position? Is that on point, Media?

  22. The Minister of Finance in Trinidad also withdrew her funds days before Clico Collapsed. Well, I think the story said that she sold her shares in the company,which numbered about 10,000 . Obviously some choice people got some good information prior to the collapse.A Commission of Inquiry is warranted: if there ever was a case for a Commission, this is it. Call the names and shame them Media!

  23. Bahamas Press will name the name of ONE former politician who withdrew his funds just days before the CLICO liquidation was announced. GET READY THIS WILL BE HOT!

    Bahamas Press/Editor

  24. @Joe Blow
    As we’ve said before, a member of the Christie Cabinet said that the government WAS made aware of the events at CLICO. So how is it that Alfred Sears knew and the Registrar didn’t? Let’s get back to our point here???

    Bahamas Press/Editor

  25. @Joe Blow
    I agree with you wholeheartedly on you assessment of the civil servants role in things of this nature. I think that that is where alot of accountability and transparency is needed with the beareaucrats and technocrats of the civil services. Can you imagine some of the things that people are getting away with because the focus is always on the Minister. In some cases on both side of the aisle the Ministers and parties have fallen prey to some civil servants. The sad part about it is the we have to find a government who are not scared to fire THE REAL BAD APPLES (which is different from firing people for their politics) and hire some new people then you will see change

  26. This is the reason Bahamas Press that i am stating that a crimininal investigation needs to be launched into the Registrar Of Insurance department.Some person/s in this department whether knowingly or unknowingly aided Clico in this massive theft of hard working Bahamian funds.Unfortunately it appears to me that the media are not asking probing questions and the politicians are covering up this massive crime.We know Clico transferred funds out of the Bahamas without Central Bank’s approval which is a crime.Yet no charges have been brought against anyone at Clico.Persons were allowed to withdraw millions of dollars before Clico was ordered to be liquidated this is called insider trading again no charges.It amazes me that the Commissioner Of Police is not conducting any investigations and no charges are pending.

  27. Media: “Christie never seeks to amaze us”. The word you want to use is “ceases”. Once again in this issue, we have bureaucrats who are not keeping Ministers informed. It is , of course, too late to “fire’ Mr.Brown. It is not too late, however, to make it clear to all civil servants, upoh penalty od dismissal, that they must put aside their personal political preferences in the execution of their jobs. If an examination were to be conducted some would be surprised to learn of the mounds of information that is kept from those in high office. If the matter was brought to Mr. Christe’s attention, he should let us know what course of action he took-if any. If it was not brought to his attention, he should let us know that. The one thing we must keep in mind is that “globally” operated companies can manipulate monies from their subsiduaries by the stroke of a pen. If they do not report it, it might take years before it is detected. While there are some who might think Mr. Ingraham did not act swiftly enough or that he did not take the appropriate action re: liquidation, we must all admit we do not have all the facts that he is privy to, so it is difficult to make that judgement. Meanwhile we must all wait the outcome of the Court decision.

  28. @kevin mckenzie
    We just need the date of the article and the title of the story. To hear Dr. Rodney Brown say such a thing speaks to the level of IGNORANCE RUNNING DEEP IN THIS COUNTRY! How could a Registrar know that more than $50 Million left this country, WITHOUT BEING TAXED, where it also jeopardized the solvency of the company and its investment by policyholders. Anyone doing such a thing to the people of this country to which they serve, should not be sitting in ANY PUBLIC OFFICE!

    But here again if he is BOLD enough to say he did not tell Christie, and did not see the need to tell the minister of finance of such serious events, then he must also be in on the ripoff deal committed against his own! TREASON OF THE HIGHEST ORDER!

    As we said before, when we have leaders speaking for and on behalf of the people then such tragic incidents like CLICO would not occur without heads rolling.

    Bahamas Press/Editor

  29. media :@ConnieOK CONNIE WE WILL withdraw you form that cliquish pack who are quick to defend Christie. WE APOLOGIZE for our swift classification of you being apart of that group. But the others, INCLUDING JOE knows what we mean here.
    Now the tables have turned, we see the same ways of JOE who defends the FNM, rising in persons opposite to his views on the PLP particularly when it comes to CHRISIE! Fair is Fair! We cannot wish to rake Joe against the coals when he defends Carl Bethel and persons like KEVIN and JR cannot see VICKEDNESS from people like CHRISTIE!
    We call on KEVIN to WITHDRAW HIS TRIPPING LIES against the GUARDIAN! Deliver the DATE when the article was written and the full name of the one MR. BROWN the said former director of the Registrar of Insurance who he claims made the statements.
    Bahamas Press/Editor

    Thank you for the apology and it is accepted. However you have to admit that you are contributing to the partisanship that you are pointing out in others. There are people that believe in Mr. Christie and those that believe in Mr. Ingraham. If you want people to sincerely absorb your story it will help if you did not call a living PM a name such as “jackass” you are then permitting people to do the same of others that you may not approve of. It is the same as when Alvin Smith permitted the word “wutless” to downgrade the horrendous behaviour of our current PM. Also I do remember that one of the first times that I posted I used to word A** and you chastized me so I will do you that same turn “watch you Language, BP”. You stories are most powerful when you supposed “personal preferences” does not enter the equation. Even if you DO NOT hold some kind of grudge against Mr. Christie is comes across that way. I am not saying that you do but it definitely comes off that way.

  30. I am sorry that i cannot remember the exact date however i believe this interview with Dr.Roger Brown was published during the month of March,2009.If i had known that my truthfulness would have been questioned i would have kept the article.However,in future i will start to record the dates when something of interest is in the papers.Once again i repeat that both mr.Ingraham and Christie in my opinion are FAILURES,and thier inaction cannot be defended by me .

  31. @kevin mckenzie
    OK now point us to the article where you said what he said. Every article published by the Guardian is on their website. Do point readers to that article or withdraw that claim.

    Bahamas Press/Editor

  32. To bahamas press please i have no need to lie the Nassau Guardian said the then Registrar Of Insurance was Dr.Roger Brown and he was appointed to the post in 2000.

  33. @Truth
    OK now we know who sat at the head of the Registrar of Insurance when CLICO thief all the people money. Dr. Rodger Brown was in charge. OK Accepted.

    Since we don’t read the Guardian can you please ‘Truth’ now point us to where online we can find that story where he says Christie didn’t know, or was not told of Clico’s problems.

    Bahamas Press/Editor

  34. BP .. are u serious???? Dr. ROGER BROWN was the Registrar of Insurance prior to Lennox McCartney!

  35. @Connie
    OK CONNIE WE WILL withdraw you form that cliquish pack who are quick to defend Christie. WE APOLOGIZE for our swift classification of you being apart of that group. But the others, INCLUDING JOE knows what we mean here.

    Now the tables have turned, we see the same ways of JOE who defends the FNM, rising in persons opposite to his views on the PLP particularly when it comes to CHRISIE! Fair is Fair! We cannot wish to rake Joe against the coals when he defends Carl Bethel and persons like KEVIN and JR cannot see VICKEDNESS from people like CHRISTIE!

    We call on KEVIN to WITHDRAW HIS TRIPPING LIES against the GUARDIAN! Deliver the DATE when the article was written and the full name of the one MR. BROWN the said former director of the Registrar of Insurance who he claims made the statements.

    Bahamas Press/Editor

  36. Now since so many of our Bahamaian citizens can barely read, and even more don’t have access to the internet, can we start a radio station to get pertinent info out to the people? Nothing is gonna happen to Mugabe or pussy cat. They know all the people who would potentially proscecute them. Democracy allows one set of crooked trickster to replace another set, and crooks get to keep the capital. Religion and capitalism are the other legs of the fools stool. Keep the people divided, poor and and “holy” and the unholy trinity perpetuates the status quo.Freedom of the press contributes to the confusion because the people don’t know what to believe because they haven’t been taught to think. After all Jesus died for our sins and rose from the grave. if you believe that…

  37. @kevin mckenzie
    No NO NO we are not offended KEVIN. We at Bahamas Press are NEVER OFFENDED! We believe however in being factually correct when coming on here. You called into your post that a newspaper reported information by the former Registrar of Insurance. You claim that the individual is one Mr. Brown. you’ve stated that the Guardian reported that. WE BELIEVE NOT A WORD OF IT, UNLESS OR UNTIL YOU CAN PROVE AND DIRECT US OTHERWISE!

    See we can tell you how CLICO’s mess was discovered. We know the name of the current registrar. AND we know who in the office discovered the ponzi scheme being practiced at CLICO. Now remember, we reported in DECEMBER that a major insurance company will collapse. OUR INFORMATION WAS ON SPOT!

    YOU CALLED A NAME and the Guardian is ONLINE. WE SIMPLY ASK Dr. BROWN WHO???? Because from what we know, NO Dr. Brown was the former director of the Registrar of Insurance. But if you say it was a Dr. Brown you have the opportunity to correctly confirm the full name of this person or quickly forthwith withdraw the comment altogether. DECEPTION AND DEFLECTION does not just offend us, IT PISSES US OFF!

    Withdraw the post if you cannot prove it of you will FACE THE MUSIC FROM THIS BLOG and its editorial TEAM!

    Bahamas Press/Editor

  38. BP i was PRESENT obviously you were not… stop trying to twist things sensationalise stories and create news using second hand info…… this charade is rather pathetic

  39. I think you have me all wrong because JOe Blow can attest to the fact that he and I agree on alot of things and numerous times on this site. You have to admit that on holidays and other slow news days we can depend on a “Wutless Christie” story from or some sort of anti climatic Christie expose. All I was saying is that if you are a proponent of change would not it be better to use your power over you hundreds of thousands of readers to focus on who you this is the next person what you think the change should be. By keeping this up your stories such as the one above loses all substance and power at least with me. You will see that I have no problem calling a spade a spade PLP or FNM I really don’t care if you wrong you wrong. But I think that you have to admit your Christie stories are starting to resemble you kicking a dead horse. Mr. Ingraham in the current PM I never saw you call him or his actions “jackass”. Given the point that you are speaking of the only other living PM of our country it is highly disrespectful and unbecoming and I still did not see you publish the tabled letter in the house on the victimization of all the people in 1993, that does not make me a CHristie Sympathizer, thats just senseable to me.

  40. To Bahamas press editor if i offend you i am indeed sorry.It was reported in the Nassau Guardian that Dr.Brown was the then Registrar of Insurance but i am sure you can easily verify this and if the information is wrong then please publish the correct name.As for my defending Christie and Ingraham i have repeatedly stated that they are both FAILURES and i have never been a critic of Joe Blow or any blogger on this site.I only express my views and respect the views and opinions of others.Once again please accept my apology and i will await the correct name/s of the then Registrar of Insurance and the present registrar.

  41. @Truth
    NO NO NO you didn’t hear correctly. Sears’ words were clear and exact. He said it at the meeting with policyholders at Simeon B. Hall’s Church, and he repeated the same wprds on Steve’s Hard Copy Show. At both venues he stated the same thing. That the CHRISTIE GOVERNMENT was aware of Clico’s problems. But could you answer our question TRUTH, KEVIN, CONNIE and others, WHY IS CHRISTIE SO QUIET OVER THE MATTER, KNOWING SO MANY BAHAMIANS LOST ALL THEIR INVESTMENTS? WHY?

    Bahamas Press/editor

  42. BP – that is BS to quote Sears if you were not present and have no idea of exactly what he said and the context in which he was speaking. When he said that both Government’s had failed, he was simp[ly referring to the fact that neither had implemented the Domestic Insurance Act which would have better regulated the insurance industry. To you selective sound bites from ZNS is no better than the preaches who misuse biblical quotes without any reference to the context.

  43. @JR
    Well Jr, Kevin and Connie we see you would go at any length now-a-days to defend Christie. And we expect NO better. Sometimes I wonder as I see you all heap coals on Joe Blow in his defense of the FNM, but don’t see yourselves in your swift defense of the PLP. But to each his own.

    Let us begin in responding to this report by the WUTLESS Guardian. The story account is HOGWASH! We said it’s HOGWASH because it was NO ONE BUT THE FORMER ATTORNEY GENERAL AND MINISTER OF EDUCATION in the PLP ALFRED SEARS, who proclaimed on National Television ZNS, that the Christie government was aware to the Clico Fiasco.

    Sear pointed out that they were aware as did the Ingraham government, and that both administrations are as fault for the LACK OF ACTION! Now those were the words of a member of the Christie Cabinet! Therefore how could a member of the Cabinet say both governments were at fault and failed to ACT, and whoever this Dr. Brown (BROWN WHO????) person is says the Christie government didn’t? You know that just doesn’t add up?

    Try selling your ice to the African and your Salt Water to the Alaskans. We at BP know BETTER!

    Bahamas Press/Editor

  44. I don’t even waste my time waiting around for Media to post these slow day BS “stories” on Perry. Perry is their safety net. I guess Glenys and Obie stroking media good when they have nothing else to throw at the man. Come better next time because this is the same old tired crap like Connie said. If Dr. Brown said they didn’t see it coming, how in the hell is Perry supposed to see it? He was PM of the country but I guess according to Media, he had to also be watching every little thing Clico did too. What a stretch as usual BP. What next? Are you going to say that even though the former Registrar and the current one agreed that the FNM was given notice of the problem with Clico from last summer but they did nothing, that should be Perry’s fault too eh?

  45. The former Registrar of Insurance,Dr.Brown was asked by a Nassau Guardian reporter if the minister was made aware of the problems with Clico,his answer was no.Dr.Brown said he thought that his department could have effectively deal with those concerns.I am in no way trying to defend mr.Christie or Ingraham since i think they are both bigger failures than Clico,however i repeat the same call i made in my original post on this matter.That is for a complete investigation into the failure of the Registrar Of Insurance to do his job. I would like the media to ask the former and present registrars the following questions-1. when did the registrar became aware of irregularities pertaining to Clico? 2.What were the registrar response concerning these illegalities?3.Why did the registrar not inform the Central Bank of Clico transferring millions of dollars to Trinidad?4.Was Clico submitting annual audit reports?5.Were these reports accurate?6.Did these audit reports reveal these funds being transfer to Trinidad?7.Why did the registrar not inform the minister in writing of Clico’s noncompliance with Bahamian laws?It is my belief that too much haste was made to liquidate Clico with out conducting a proper investigation,this could only be to avoid some well connected persons from being prosecuted in a court of law for as we Bahamains say , tiefing.

  46. You know something media, you need to learn some respect. Sure this is your blog site, but I believe that you are a part of the problem. How are you going to talk about a former leader in such a way as this. Last week I wrote something truthful that I know about HAI (because I know him personally), and you didn’t bother to post it, maybe because it didnt meet your approval. Quit the name calling and the crap and talk about the facts. I keep telling you about calling other media sources biased while you have your own biases. You’re no better than the Tribune!!! How about sticking to the facts and having a little integrity as you promote your site and the news it carries.

  47. BP, if you want to know where the real wutless crew is, consider this:- when the FNM took over in 2007, they were scouring every ministry and department looking for so called PLP crookedness, wrong doing, or plain mishandling of the peoples affairs, in fact they are still conducting their witch hunt and yet nobody saw this CLICO fiasco coming? And right in the PM and his former heir-apparent noses? No wonder the country in trouble.

  48. BP while this story was expected as you seem to cover the “wutlessness” of Mr. Christie on most slow news days with basically the same story. If you are going to keep saying we need change shouldn’t it begin with you changing the focus off of Perry Christie to someone new. There is a real story on the fact the President Obama has just I think today granted unlimited travel and money transfer to Cuba for American citizens and what that can mean to us tourism wise.

  49. @kevin mckenzie
    Well Kevin you MUST ask yourself how could a department under the ministry of finance discover something was wrong at CLICO, and the minister was NEVER INFORMED? IF THAT WAS THE CASE.

    There are taxes committed to the government for the industry, and you mean to tell me payments for those taxes were not done and the minister did not know? It is revenue to the government. CHRISTIE SLEPT AT THE WHEEL!


    Bahamas Press/Editor

  50. The lack of over sight and the failure to enforce Bahamian laws and regulations lay squarely at the feet of the Registrar Of Insurance.The Registrar failed to compell Clico to return funds to the Bahamas.Funds left this country without the approval of the Central Bank and when the Registrar became aware of this he failed to notify the Central Bank of these ILLEGAL monetary transfer of funds from the Bahamas to Trinidad.Further the Registrar failed to discuss these illegal transfer and the audit reports with anyone in the Ministry Of Finance.One must ask the registrar why did he fail to do his job?

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