Renardo Curry lands on Grand Cay to rally residents to come with the PLP

PLP Candidate - Renardo Curry


Meet & Greet the Candidate

Grand Cay Abaco Bahamas

January 28th 2012

Party Chairman, Mr. Bradley Roberts; Senator Dr. Michael Darville candidate for Pine Ridge; Assistant secretary General Michele Reckley; Distinguish Stalwart Councilors and Party executives and to you my brothers and sisters, a pleasant Good evening.

After my visit to Grand Bahama yesterday and witnessing the launching of our five (5) dynamic candidates for the Progressive Liberal Party, I am fully convinced that all five (5) seats in Grand Bahama, is coming home to the PLP. There is no stopping this great organization and it’s only a matter of time and we will be the next government of the Bahamas.

Grand Cay, are you ready for history in the making right here in North Abaco. Breaking news coming out of Abaco this evening, an incumbent Politician, who happens to be the Prime Minister will be handed his release papers by the people of North Abaco after serving the North Abaco district, for over 35 long years.

For truly, we’ve been good to him and have afforded him the opportunity to build a career for himself even becoming the Prime Minister but to everything in life there is a season; it’s time to for him go. In the upcoming general election, we will be relieving the Prime Minister of his duties. The younger generation understands clearly that the Prime Minister doesn’t share our vision. In fact, evidence will show that he is more interested in investing in infrastructure rather than people. Where are the opportunities in North Abaco, to excel?

There must be a full understanding by all Governments that the most important resource of this country is the Bahamian people. Our educated and skilled work force must be given the opportunity to become instrumental in building this modern day Bahamas. It is a tragedy for any government to hinder its people from becoming leaders or stakeholders in their own economy. To limit this most important resource means to create second and third class citizens in our own country.

This is why, the government of the day must work diligently to ensure that the highest education is not only easy accessible but constantly upgraded to reflect the advancement of technology that lends to a quality education. Ladies and gentlemen, The Progressive Liberal Party is the most cable government to fulfill these mandates and will be doubling our investment in education when we return to office to give every willing Bahamian an opportunity to become a productive citizen.

A 21st century Government must have a vision for people. It is essential to understand that there are some citizens of this country that have prepared themselves and want more than a low paying job but would rather be business owners and company executives.

Hence, the government must move quickly, to limit the issuing of work permits especially in management positions and to ensure the placement of college graduates. They must seek to integrate a career path academic system by way of vocational and technical institutions like BTVI that will prepare our young people for immediate employment and business opportunities.

They must seek to further the ease of land distribution for Bahamians to pursue business ventures like manufacturing companies. Funding must be made available through the Bahamas Development bank to do so.

There must be a soliciting of major private resort and industrial investments throughout the various districts (walkers cay must be restored). The policies promoted by the government of the Bahamas must be centered around the Bahamian people. This would include the day to day concerns that affect your lives (concerns like the dredging of your harbor, a proper water well system and the completion of the sea wall)

Ladies & Gentlemen, the PLP is prepared to do the same and have shown our ability to provide avenues of opportunities. Just look at our track record between 2002 and 2007 one of the greatest economic growth the Bahamas have ever experience was when the Rt. Hon Perry Christi and the PLP launch a master vision that landed major anchor projects all over the Bahamas even here in Abaco; projects like Bakers Bay and Winding Bay, two major resorts on the Island of Abaco that has become vital sources of employment for Bahamians.

Grand Cay, it is evident that the Progressive Liberal Party is ready to govern; it is equally evident that the Free National Movement has lost its savor and is in a state of instability. Can somebody tell me, why all the commotion in the FNM Party? Kenneth Gone……Brent Symonette Gone….Zhivargo run to Nassau.

I submit to you, there is a dismantling of the FNM party. Further evidence of instability is the rush to sign these multi-million dollar contracts at the eve of a general election. We must recognize two problems with this; one, there is really no proper planning and two; special interest groups are pushing these initiatives.

The time has come to put the energetic and experience Progressive Liberal Party back into office. This is your time Grand cay, to speak loud and clear. This is the time for you to hold your representative accountable. Think soberly in your heart, and remember how you were treated for the past 5 years, and whomever the cap fit, let them wear it……PLP ALL the way!!